The Office · Episode 5x16 'Blood Drive'
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A mystery woman at the office blood drive catches Michael's eye. Dwight and Kevin both find women at the "Lonely Hearts Party," while Jim and Pam are forced to leave because of PDAs—so they have lunch with Phyllis and Bob.
German (Deutsch)
Liebe liegt in der Luft ... oder so etwas in der Art – Valentinstag im Büro.
French (Français)
Michael et Pam font un détour par la filiale de Nashua pour rendre visite à Holly. Jim et Dwight s'attèlent à la préparation de l'anniversaire de Kelly, qui avait été oublié... pendant qu'Angela laisse transparaître quelques bribes de sa folle obsession pour les chats.
Italian (Italiano)
L'amore è nell'aria… o quasi. È San Valentino anche alla Dunder Mifflin.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 80% · 34 (more information on website)
- IMDb 78% · 5,029 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Michael Scott | Steve Carell |
Dwight Schrute | Rainn Wilson |
Jim Halpert | John Krasinski |
Pam Beesly | Jenna Fischer |
Ryan Howard | B.J. Novak |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Creed Bratton | Creed Bratton |
Kelly Kapoor | Mindy Kaling |
Meredith Palmer | Kate Flannery |
Stanley Hudson | Leslie David Baker |
Kevin Malone | Brian Baumgartner |
Phyllis Lapin | Phyllis Smith |
Óscar Martínez | Oscar Nuñez |
Angela Martin | Angela Kinsey |
Glove Girl | Katie Aselton |
Erik | Jason Rogel |
Lynn | Lisa K. Wyatt |
Bob Vance | Robert R. Shafer |
Hank Tate | Hugh Dane |
Salesman | Rob Brownstein |
Woman | Dorian Frankel |
Rhee | Tate Hanyok |
Nurse | Julie Remala |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Randall Einhorn |
Writing | Writer | Brent Forrester |