The Office · Episode 6x3 'The Promotion'

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David Wallace comes bearing the news that not all the staffers will receive a raise this year. Jim pushes Dwight to the limit and causes him to form office alliances. And Pam decides she wants only cash as a wedding gift.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Beförderten

David Wallace verkündet, dass in diesem Jahr nicht alle eine Gehaltserhöhung bekommen werden. Dwight stößt bei Jim an seine Grenzen.

France French (Français)

Cohabitation difficile

Jim constate les premières difficultés du rôle de co-directeur lorsque David Wallace demande à Michael et lui de répartir les augmentations auprès des différents salariés.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La promozione

La recessione colpisce la Dunder Mifflin.

First Aired
TMDb 78% · 27 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Michael ScottSteve Carell
Dwight SchruteRainn Wilson
Jim HalpertJohn Krasinski
Pam BeeslyJenna Fischer
Ryan HowardB.J. Novak
Andy BernardEd Helms

Guest Stars

Erin HannonEllie Kemper
Creed BrattonCreed Bratton
Kelly KapoorMindy Kaling
Meredith PalmerKate Flannery
Stanley HudsonLeslie David Baker
Kevin MaloneBrian Baumgartner
Phyllis LapinPhyllis Smith
Óscar MartínezOscar Nuñez
Angela MartinAngela Kinsey
David WallaceAndy Buckley


DirectingDirectorJennifer Celotta