The Office · Episode 6x7 'Koi Pond'

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Michael and Jim head off to a meeting and Michael comes back soaked after having fallen in a koi pond. Meanwhile, Pam and Andy, as the two worst salesmen in the branch, have to go cold calling for sales.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Das Koi-Becken

Nachdem er bei einem Meeting stürzt, machen sich im Büro alle über Michael lustig. Pam und Andy nehmen gemeinsam einen Verkaufstermin wahr.

France French (Français)

Le Bassin à poissons

Michael devient la risée de tout le bureau lorsqu'il chute dans un bassin de carpes lors d'un rendez-vous.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La vasca delle carpe koi

Michael casca tra i pesciolini a un meeting di lavoro.

First Aired
TMDb 78% · 31 (more information on website)
IMDb 80% · 5,309 (more information on website)


Michael ScottSteve Carell
Dwight SchruteRainn Wilson
Jim HalpertJohn Krasinski
Pam BeeslyJenna Fischer
Ryan HowardB.J. Novak
Andy BernardEd Helms

Guest Stars

Erin HannonEllie Kemper
Creed BrattonCreed Bratton
Kelly KapoorMindy Kaling
Meredith PalmerKate Flannery
Stanley HudsonLeslie David Baker
Kevin MaloneBrian Baumgartner
Darryl PhilbinCraig Robinson
Phyllis LapinPhyllis Smith
Óscar MartínezOscar Nuñez
Angela MartinAngela Kinsey
Toby FlendersonPaul Lieberstein
ReceptionistJennifer Hasty
Tim DockeryTom Yi
MoseMichael Schur
Keena GiffordAmy Weaver


DirectingDirectorReginald Hudlin