The Office · Episode 7x6 'Costume Contest'

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When Darryl takes an idea to corporate over his head, Michael freaks out. Everyone in the office is in a competitive mood as the Halloween costume contest gets underway. Meanwhile, Pam tries to get the truth out of Danny about their dating history.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Kostümwettbewerb

Jeder im Büro ist in Wettkampfstimmung, als der Halloween-Kostümwettbewerb beginnt. Währenddessen versucht Pam, die Wahrheit über ihre Dating-Geschichte aus Danny herauszubekommen.

France French (Français)

Le Concours du meilleur costume

Michael panique car Darryl a soumis une idée pour renforcer les liens entre collègues sans lui en parler auparavant. L'esprit de compétition fait rage pour le concours du meilleur costume d'Halloween...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La gara di costumi

Alla Dunder Mifflin è arrivato il momento di festeggiare Halloween.

First Aired
TMDb 78% · 28 (more information on website)
IMDb 80% · 5,082 (more information on website)


Michael ScottSteve Carell
Dwight SchruteRainn Wilson
Jim HalpertJohn Krasinski
Pam BeeslyJenna Fischer
Ryan HowardB.J. Novak
Andy BernardEd Helms

Guest Stars

Gabe LewisZach Woods
Erin HannonEllie Kemper
Creed BrattonCreed Bratton
Kelly KapoorMindy Kaling
Meredith PalmerKate Flannery
Stanley HudsonLeslie David Baker
Kevin MaloneBrian Baumgartner
Darryl PhilbinCraig Robinson
Phyllis LapinPhyllis Smith
Óscar MartínezOscar Nuñez
Angela MartinAngela Kinsey
Toby FlendersonPaul Lieberstein
Danny CordrayTimothy Olyphant
Todd PackerDavid Koechner
Bob VanceRobert R. Shafer


DirectingDirectorDean Holland
ProductionProducerSteve Carell