The Office · Episode 7x9 ''

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Michael tries to save Ryan's company by encouraging co-workers to invest. Meanwhile, Dwight has big plans for the office at Thanksgiving.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Michael versucht, Ryans Firma zu retten, indem er Kollegen zu Investitionen ermutigt. Unterdessen hat Dwight große Pläne für das Büro an Thanksgiving.

France French (Français)

Ca va Wuphfer !

Ryan reçoit une offre de rachat pour son site Internet. Darryl, Stanley, Andy et Pam, qui ont investi dans ce projet, veulent qu'il vende avant qu'il ne soit trop tard afin de récupérer leur investissement, mais Michael s'y oppose. De son côté, Dwight organise un festival. Jim, lui, a toutes les peines du monde à se remotiver...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Ryan fa investire l'azienda nella sua start-up digitale.

First Aired
TMDb 77% · 27 (more information on website)
IMDb 75% · 4,853 (more information on website)


Michael ScottSteve Carell
Dwight SchruteRainn Wilson
Jim HalpertJohn Krasinski
Pam BeeslyJenna Fischer
Ryan HowardB.J. Novak
Andy BernardEd Helms

Guest Stars

Gabe LewisZach Woods
Erin HannonEllie Kemper
Creed BrattonCreed Bratton
Kelly KapoorMindy Kaling
Meredith PalmerKate Flannery
Stanley HudsonLeslie David Baker
Kevin MaloneBrian Baumgartner
Darryl PhilbinCraig Robinson
Phyllis LapinPhyllis Smith
Óscar MartínezOscar Nuñez
Angela MartinAngela Kinsey
Toby FlendersonPaul Lieberstein
Jo BennettKathy Bates
Half BredGriffin Gluck
State Senator Rob LiptonJack Coleman
NateMark Proksch
Kid on Hay RideBlake Garrett Rosenthal
Sheri / Mother HarvestSelah Victor
Pure BredDonovan Estrada
Girl who finds Needle in a HaystackIsabel Schnebelie


DirectingDirectorDanny Leiner
ProductionProducerSteve Carell