My Name Is Earl · Episode 2x11 'South of the Border (2)'

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In the second half of this special one hour episode, Earl and Randy face problems in their quest to take Catalina off Earl's list and bring her home after she was deported because of Earl. Joy's friendly attitude causes the neighbors to get closer and Darnell doesn't like it at all.

Germany German (Deutsch)

...wenn man nicht hinfährt

Die Banditen, von denen Earl entführt wurde, erweisen sich als nahe Verwandte von Catalina und bringen Earl deshalb freudig in ihr Heimatdorf. Denn sie denken, dass Earl sie heiraten will und nicht Randy, der unterdessen irgendwo in Mexiko verschollen ist.

France French (Français)

L'amour est plus fort (2/2)

Earl et Randy retrouvent finalement Catalina dans son village natal. Mais sa famille refuse de la laisser partir sans que Earl ait subi quelques épreuves du mariage.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

A sud della frontiera (2)

Earl e Randy si rendono conto che c'è un modo molto semplice per assicurare a Catalina la cittadinanza americana: ma chi sarà lo sposo?

First Aired
TMDb 82% · 8 (more information on website)
IMDb 81% · 610 (more information on website)


Earl HickeyJason Lee
Randy HickeyEthan Suplee
Joy TurnerJaime Pressly
Catalina ArucaNadine Velazquez
Darnell TurnerEddie Steeples

Guest Stars

David HayesJimmi Simpson
VictorEmilio Rivera
MarioRay Santiago
DiegoJohn Leguizamo
DodgeLouis T. Moyle
Earl Jr.Trey Carlisle
MariaShelley Morrison
Elderly ManJoaquín Garrido
Tina HayesSusan Foley
Maria's HusbandWinston J. Rocha
PedroJesus Perez