My Name Is Earl · Episode 3x2 'The Gangs of Camden County'
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Earl is offered a deal to receive a lesser sentence if he can resolve problems between rival gangs. But, he finds the task harder than he expected. Meanwhile, Randy looks for ways to join Earl in prison.
German (Deutsch)
Der Gefängnisdirektor hält große Stücke auf Earl. Er bietet ihm einen Hafterlass von einem Monat an, wenn Earl es schafft, den Bandenkrieg zwischen zwei rivalisierenden Gangs zu beenden.
French (Français)
Pour empêcher deux bandes rivales de s'affronter, le directeur de la prison propose un certificat de remise de peine à Earl s'il parvient à appaiser les tensions. De son côté, Randy veut à tout prix rejoindre son frère en prison...
Italian (Italiano)
L'inetto direttore del carcere di Camden offre a Earl una riduzione di pena perché si adoperi per risolvere un problema di convivenza tra gang rivali. Ma all'origine di tutto c'è una storia d'amore. Nel frattempo Randy cerca un modo per riunirsi al fratello.
Character | Person |
Earl Hickey | Jason Lee |
Randy Hickey | Ethan Suplee |
Joy Turner | Jaime Pressly |
Catalina Aruca | Nadine Velazquez |
Darnell Turner | Eddie Steeples |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Jamal | Page Kennedy |
Warden Jerry Hazelwood | Craig T. Nelson |
Governor Katherine Hazelwood | Dee Wallace |
Hector | Rigo Sanchez |
Prison Guard Ron | Larry Joe Campbell |
Police Officer | Edward James Gage |
Guard | Doug Wax |
Gang member | Terrence Edwards |
Instructor | Jerry Hauck |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Michael Fresco |