Crossing Jordan · Episode 1x2 'The Dawn of a New Day'

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Two seemingly unconnected men turn up dead, but there is more than meets the eye to this case. Elsewhere Mr. Stinky has Bug and Trey stumped at identifying him.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Zwei Männer, die scheinbar nichts miteinander zu tun haben, werden tot aufgefunden, aber es steckt mehr dahinter, als man denkt. An anderer Stelle stellt „Mr. Stinky“ Bug und Trey vor ein Rätsel, wenn es darum geht, ihn zu identifizieren.

France French (Français)

Meurtres croisés

Jordan enquête sur le meurtre d'un chauffeur de taxi. L'épouse de la victime, Elaine Stahler, une serveuse, réagit de façon inattendue...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

L'alba di un nuovo giorno
First Aired
TMDb 100% · 1 (more information on website)
IMDb 73% · 190 (more information on website)


Jordan CavanaughJill Hennessy
Garrett MacyMiguel Ferrer
Nigel TownsendSteve Valentine
Mahesh "Bug" VijayRavi Kapoor
Lily LebowskiKathryn Hahn
Trey SandersMahershala Ali
Max CavanaughKen Howard

Guest Stars

Elaine StahlerMackenzie Phillips
LydiaNan Martin
Sandra BabcockYvette Nipar
Nolan BabcockEdward Conna
NoraMaría Celedonio
EvelynLois Nettleton
Grace YakuraTamlyn Tomita
Uniform CopNynno Ahli
Coroner (uncredited)Greg Bronson
GloriaMarlene Forte
Eddy WinslowD.W. Moffett


CrewCreatorTim Kring
Stunt CoordinatorMary Albee
StuntsEdward Conna
DirectingDirectorAllan Arkush
ProductionAssociate ProducerLori Motyer
Co-Executive ProducerSamantha Corbin-Miller