Crossing Jordan · Episode 6x3 '33 Bullets'

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Police officers have shot an 8-year-old boy a staggering 33 times, which sends the city of Boston into a riot. Jordan and the rest of the team investigate the shooting, however one of their own could be lost.

Germany German (Deutsch)

33 Kugeln

Polizeibeamte haben 33 Mal auf einen 8-jährigen Jungen geschossen, was die Stadt Boston in Aufruhr versetzt. Jordan und der Rest des Teams untersuchen die Schießerei, aber einer der ihren könnte verloren gehen.

France French (Français)

33 balles

Un enfant de huit ans est abattu par des policiers lors d'une interpellation. Suite à ce tragique événement, des émeutes éclatent à Boston. Jordan et toute l'équipe enquêtent sur cette fusillade...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

33 Proiettili
First Aired
IMDb (more information on website)


Jordan CavanaughJill Hennessy
Garrett MacyMiguel Ferrer
Woody HoytJerry O'Connell
Nigel TownsendSteve Valentine
Mahesh "Bug" VijayRavi Kapoor
Lily LebowskiKathryn Hahn

Guest Stars

Tallulah SimmonsLeslie Bibb
Young ManAaron Meeks
Dr. Kate SwitzerBrooke Smith
Ms. CaullingsCassandra Creech
Panel ChairTerri Hoyos
HuyenTessa Ludwick
NewscasterGina St. John
ZoilaLudo Vika
ProtesterPetra Sprecher
Grandma CaullingsAlma Collins
Off. Connor GrecoBlake Shields
Man with Leg WoundJames Earl
Man Rescued from TruckTony Perez
Lieutenant JohnsonJason Ross-Azikiwe
CarjackerLarnell Stovall
Jamaar's CousinShavonne Burleigh
Boston SWATHugh Daly
Thug in TruckKen-Ali
James the VideographerJames McMann
LooterJermaine Jackson


CrewCreatorTim Kring
Stunt CoordinatorMary Albee
Stunt DriverLarnell Stovall
StuntsCaryn Mower
Dartenea Bryant
David Wald
Hollis Hill
DirectingDirectorJohn Badham