TV Show 'Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior' 1 Seasons

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Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior was a short-lived American police procedural drama that aired on CBS. The show debuted in 2011 as a spin-off from the successful Criminal Minds, which had premiered in 2005. This edition's profiling team also worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Behavioral Analysis Unit in Quantico, Virginia. In an April 2010 episode of Criminal Minds, during the show's fifth season, the original team met the new team and worked with them to find a San Francisco serial killer. This episode served as the new series' backdoor pilot.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Criminal Minds: Team Red

Special Agent Sam Cooper (Forest Whitaker) führt eine Eliteeinheit des FBI, die zu unkonventionellen Ermittlungsmethoden greift, um besonders gefährliche Kriminelle festzunageln. Dabei verlässt sich der mental wie psychisch starke Anführer auf ein handverlesenes Team von Profilern und versucht stets, die politische Bürokratie zu meiden. Zu seiner Einheit gehören der frühere britische Elite-Soldat Mick Rawson (Matt Ryan) sowie der ehemalige Kleinkriminelle John ‚Prophet‘ Sims (Michael Kelly). Gina LaSalle (Beau Garrett), eine schlagfertige Agentin mit einem ganz besonders feinem Wahrnehmungsvermögen, ergänzt das Team.

France French (Français)

Une nouvelle équipe de profilers du FBI en charge de crimes violents. Leur but: cerner le caractère psychologique du criminel afin de l'arrêter...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La serie racconta le vicende di una squadra di profiler della Behavioral Analysis Unit dell'FBI alle prese con i peggiori criminali della nazione. A differenza delle squadre tradizionali il team guidato da Sam Cooper è una delle cosiddette Red Cells, ovvero squadre di pronto intervento che operano al di fuori della burocrazia di Quantico, e che rispondono del loro operato soltanto al direttore del Bureau. Cooper e i suoi uomini fanno affidamento su metodi d'indagine alternativi e controcorrente, e su tattiche d'azione decisamente aggressive, per scavalcare gli intoppi e le lungaggini che bloccano e rallentano le indagini tradizionali.

Episode Runtimes
crime investigation
human behavior
police procedural
spin off
Italian (Italiano)
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America CBS Studios
United States of America The Mark Gordon Company
Bernero Productions
United States of America ABC Studios
United States of America CBS
Content Ratings / Classifications
United States of America TV-14
Canada 14+
Switzerland 16
Germany 16
Austria 16
France 12
TMDb 71% · 95 (more information on website)
IMDb 62% · 5,948 (more information on website)


NumberOverview#EpisodesAir Date
Season 113


Sam CooperForest Whitaker
Beth GriffithJaneane Garofalo
Gina LaSalleBeau Garrett
Jonathan 'Prophet' SimmsMichael Kelly
Mick RawsonMatt Ryan
Penelope GarciaKirsten Vangsness
Jack FicklerRichard Schiff

Created by


ProductionExecutive ProducerEdward Allen Bernero
ProducerDeborah Spera
Mark Gordon
Melissa Blake