Rizzoli & Isles · Episode 2x13 'Seventeen Ain't So Sweet'

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Jane attends her high school reunion and brings Maura along for the ride, but the fun is cut short when one of her old classmates turns up dead on the football field. Jane must focus on the past when she realizes everyone in her class is a potential suspect. Meanwhile, Korsak gets a visit from ex-wife Melody Patterson (guest star Lolita Davidovich), who hopes he’ll invest in her new business. Chris Vance returns as Sgt. Major Charles “Casey” Jones, an old flame of Jane’s, and Matthew Del Negro guest-stars as Angela’s car mechanic, Giovanni, who once had eyes for Maura.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Jane nimmt Maura zum Klassentreffen in ihre Schule mit, wo eine ehemalige Mitschülerin auf dem Sportplatz tot aufgefunden wird. Korsak bekommt Besuch von seiner Ex-Frau.

France French (Français)

La réunion des anciens

Jane se rend à une réunion des anciens de son lycée en compagnie de Maura. Alors que la fête bat son plein, un de ses anciens camarades est assassiné sur le terrain de football. Jane s'intéresse alors au passé de ses camarades, tous considérés comme de potentiels suspects. De son côté, Korsak reçoit la visite de son ex-femme Melody, qui souhaite le convaincre d'investir dans son nouveau business...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Rimpatriata scolastica

Jane trascina Maura alla sua riunione di ex alunni ma finiscono per lavorare a un caso quando uno dei partecipanti viene ritrovato morto. L'ex moglie di Korsak gli fa una visita mentre una vecchia fiamma di Jane ritorna dal passato.

First Aired
TMDb 70% · 5 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Detective Jane RizzoliAngie Harmon
Dr. Maura IslesSasha Alexander
Frankie Rizzoli Jr.Jordan Bridges
Detective Barry FrostLee Thompson Young
Detective Vince KorsakBruce McGill
Angela RizzoliLorraine Bracco

Guest Stars

Charles 'Casey' JonesChris Vance
Giovanni GilbertiMatthew Del Negro
Rory GrahamTeddy Sears
Melody PattersonLolita Davidovich
Kate GrahamErin Daniels
Debbie Nichols TibbetSarah Lafleur
Private InvestigatorRizwan Manji
Emily SannerErin Matthews
Steve SannerBrett Tucker
Maria KorkmanSusan Santiago
Eddie TibbetChristopher Redman
UniformNelson Grande


DirectingDirectorRod Holcomb