Rizzoli & Isles · Episode 3x13 'Virtual Love'
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The virtual world and the real world collide when a microbrewer is killed. Angela tries to move on from a failed romance by seeing someone new. And Jane and the team begin to mentor underprivileged teenagers, a move that ends in near disaster.
German (Deutsch)
Die virtuelle und die reale Welt kollidieren, als ein Bierbrauer ermordet wird. Angela versucht ihre gescheiterte Romanze zu vergessen, indem sie mit einem neuen Mann ausgeht. Jane und ihr Team beginnen sich um Teenager aus Problembezirken zu kümmern - was fast in einer Katastrophe endet.
French (Français)
Le monde virtuel et le monde réel se heurtent quand un microbrasseur est tué. Angela tente de tourner la page en voyant une nouvelle personne.
Italian (Italiano)
Greg Jensen, un piccolo produttore di birra, viene assassinato. Durante le indagini si scopre che Greg conduceva un'insolita doppia vita, nascondendo alla moglie una travolgente passione per un gioco di ruolo online. Rondo porta in centrale Dawg, Dania e Reuben, tre adolescenti della casa di accoglienza dove presta servizio volontario.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 82% · 4 (more information on website)
- IMDb 73% · 395 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Detective Jane Rizzoli | Angie Harmon |
Dr. Maura Isles | Sasha Alexander |
Frankie Rizzoli Jr. | Jordan Bridges |
Detective Barry Frost | Lee Thompson Young |
Detective Vince Korsak | Bruce McGill |
Angela Rizzoli | Lorraine Bracco |
Sean Cavanaugh | Brian Goodman |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Susie Chang | Tina Huang |
Rondo | Darryl Alan Reed |
reuben sanchez | Carlito Olivero |
Rich Gibson | Christopher Rich |
Clark 'Skullcrusher' West | Jim Cody Williams |
Ruby Burke | Senta Moses |
Kendra Dee | Sandy Martin |
Professor Walter Lowell | Frank Birney |
Dania Grescoe | Abigail Mavity |
Trevor | Denzel Whitaker |
Vanessa Jensen | Chelsey Crisp |
Greg Jensen | Tom Costello |
Harley Mom | Eileen Grubba |
Big Karl | Rico Devereaux |
Geeky Kid | Steven Christopher Parker |
Thor | Phil DiGennaro |