Rizzoli & Isles · Episode 3x7 'Crazy for You'

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The ladies probe the killing of a husband and wife who were psychiatrists. Soon, an attendee of a medical-examiners seminar offers to help Jane and Maura in the case. Elsewhere, the Rizzoli family realize they may have connections to a pregnant stranger.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Die Detectives müssen lückenhafte Indizien kombinieren, um dem Mörder eines Psychiater-Ehepaars auf die Spur zu kommen.

France French (Français)

Harcèlement textuel

Maura organise un congrès sur les nouvelles techniques balistiques. Dans le même temps, Jane et son équipe enquêtent sur un double homicide ; celui d’un couple de psychiatre, Eve et Rod Parker. Les deux ont été abattus dans le cabinet qu’ils partageaient.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Pazzo di te

Lo psichiatra Rod Parker e sua moglie Eve vengono uccisi. La polizia indaga tra i pazienti del Dottor Rod. Nel frattempo Frankie scopre che Lydia, l'amante di suo padre, e' incinta mentre Jane riceve strani messaggi sul suo telefono.

First Aired
TMDb 70% · 5 (more information on website)
IMDb 77% · 456 (more information on website)


Detective Jane RizzoliAngie Harmon
Dr. Maura IslesSasha Alexander
Frankie Rizzoli Jr.Jordan Bridges
Detective Barry FrostLee Thompson Young
Detective Vince KorsakBruce McGill
Angela RizzoliLorraine Bracco
Sean CavanaughBrian Goodman

Guest Stars

Lydia SparksAlexandra Holden
Dr. Vladmir PapovElya Baskin
Matthew MillerTy Dawson
Judge Eugene AllenRay Wise
Dr. T. PikeEd Begley Jr.
Dr. Billy May HigginsCraig Morgan
Dominick BianchiDavid DeLuise
Valerie MillerElizabeth Sampson
Dr. Eve ParkerLucy Butler
Dr. Rod ParkerPatrick O'Connor
AssistantJune Christopher


DirectingDirectorFred Toye