Rizzoli & Isles · Episode 4x7 'All For One'

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A popular high school teacher is killed in a hit and run that is clearly no accident. The squad works to solve the case, but Jane is preoccupied with Lt. Martinez’s apparent favoritism towards his own drug unit.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Alle für Eine

Ein beliebter Lehrer stirbt. Das Team ermittelt in dem Fall, doch Jane ist abgelenkt, weil Lt. Martinez seine eigene Drogeneinheit offenbar bevorzugt.

France French (Français)

Sciences de la vie et de la mort

Un professeur est tué lors d'une tentative de fuite. Ce n'est sans doute pas un simple accident. Jane est préoccupée par le favoritisme apparent du lieutenant Martinez envers la brigade anti-drogue.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Tutte per una

David Sutton, insegnante di scienze ed educazione stradale in un liceo, viene investito da un'auto pirata. Le indagini portano a quattro amiche: Samantha, Chloe, Megan e Emma, che prendevano ripetizioni da David. Una delle quattro, Samantha, è in coma dopo aver tentato il suicidio. Jane segue le indagini con difficoltà, essendosi slogata una caviglia.

First Aired
TMDb 72% · 5 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Detective Jane RizzoliAngie Harmon
Dr. Maura IslesSasha Alexander
Frankie Rizzoli Jr.Jordan Bridges
Detective Barry FrostLee Thompson Young
Detective Vince KorsakBruce McGill
Angela RizzoliLorraine Bracco
Sean CavanaughBrian Goodman

Guest Stars

Susie ChangTina Huang
Charles 'Casey' JonesChris Vance
Rafael MartinezAmaury Nolasco
NedaAndrea Bordeaux
David SuttonChris Tallman
ChloeSammi Hanratty
EmmaLeah Bateman
MeganPiper Curda
Assistant District AttorneyVanessa Bell Calloway
Mrs. ColeTricia Leigh Fisher
Principal Roger AppletonKevin Rock
Mrs. SuttonMeryl Hathaway
Samantha ColeAlexis Raich
Mr. ColeChristopher May
Karine AlbertsDyana Liu


DirectingDirectorPaul Holahan