TV Show 'Hustle' 8 Seasons

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The con is on!

A motley group of London con artists pull of a series of daring and intricate stings.

Germany German (Deutsch)

  • a.k.a. Hustle – Unehrlich währt am längsten

Die actiongeladene britische BBC-Serie dreht sich um eine Bande ehrenwerter Ganoven, die mit spektakulären Tricks und Betrügereien die Verbrecher der Londoner Unterwelt an der Nase herumführen und um beträchtliche Geld- und Sachwerte erleichtern. Mit Charme, Witz und ohne jegliche Gewalt gelingt es den fünf Trickbetrügern um Anführer Michael „Mickey Bricks“ Stone (Adrian Lester), ihre Opfer reinzulegen und auch die Zuschauer immer wieder zu verblüffen. Interessantes und ungewöhnliches Stilmittel der Serie ist, dass in bestimmten Schlüsselszenen das Bild eingefroren wird, um den Protagonisten Zeit zu geben, den gerade gezeigten Trick oder Bluff für die Zuschauer zu erklären.

France French (Français)

Les Arnaqueurs VIP
  • a.k.a. Les Arnaqueur$ VIP

À sa sortie de prison, Mickey Stone réunit une équipe d'arnaqueurs de choc : la séduisante Stacie, Albert, qui excelle dans le maniement des cartes, Ash, le spécialiste de l'arnaque, et Danny, le génie du groupe. Ensemble, ils échafaudent les plans les plus diaboliques pour dépouiller leurs victimes. Et pour justifier leurs actes, ils ont pour règle d'or de ne jamais s'attaquer aux gens honnêtes !

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Hustle - I signori della truffa

La serie segue le vicende del truffatore Michael Stone, il quale, dopo essere uscito di prigione, decide di rimettere in piedi la sua vecchia squadra formata dalla sua collaboratrice Stacie Monroe, dal tecnico informatico Ash Morgan e il suo mentore Albert Stroller. I quattro accolgono nel loro gruppo un giovane truffatore dilettante, ma con grandi potenzialità, Danny Blue, inizialmente Michael non era sicuro di Danny, ma il ragazzo riesce a integrarsi bene nel gruppo dando prova del suo talento. Il gruppo di truffatori prende sempre come bersaglio uomini d'affari disonesti, e spesso si vedono costretti ad affrontare poliziotti e agenti corrotti che cercano di sfruttare le loro capacità a loro favore, ma avendo sempre la meglio.

Episode Runtimes
breaking the fourth wall
co-workers relationship
con artist
fake identity
inside man
Origin Countries
flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom
Production Countries
flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom
Production Companies
United Kingdom Kudos
United Kingdom Red Planet Pictures
United Kingdom BBC One
Content Ratings / Classifications
United Kingdom 15
United States of America TV-14
Canada 18+
Australia M
Germany 16
France 16
TMDb 76% · 166 (more information on website)
IMDb 82% · 23,923 (more information on website)


NumberOverview#EpisodesAir Date
Series 1The first episode of Hustle was broadcast on BBC One on 24 February 2004, driven by a strong advertising campaign organised by Abbott Mead Vickers, surrounding its slogan, "the con is on". The programme was an immediate success, attracting over 6.7 million viewers, and attracting favourable reviews.6
Series 2In response to the extremely positive reaction, the BBC recommissioned the show for a second series on 17 March 2004, after just three episodes had aired. The second series was broadcast on BBC One from 29 March 2005, to a first-night audience of 6.7 million.6
Season 3All five of the lead actors again reprised their roles in the third series. The series premiered on 10 March 2006, running until 14 April. In the wake of the equally successful second series, the BBC took Hustle to the American market, securing a licensing deal with AMC. In addition to exclusive broadcast rights to the first and second series in the United States, AMC also took the position of co-production partner on the third series, already in pre-production, with the option to take the same position on a fourth series. The first two series premiered in the US in January 2006 on AMC. 6
Season 4With the backing of AMC, a fourth series of Hustle was virtually guaranteed, and by late 2006 it was clear that the cable network was taking a commanding role in the show's development.6
Season 5Series Five debuted on 8 January 2009 with the return of Adrian Lester, the departure of cast members Marc Warren and Jaime Murray, and the arrival of Matt Di Angelo and Kelly Adams as their replacements. 6
Season 6Series Six started 4 January 2010. All of the fifth series cast returned with production that moved to Birmingham, despite the show retaining its London setting. The series once again consisted of 6 episodes.6
Series 7The seventh series of Hustle began airing on 7 January 2011. All main cast members from series 6 reprised their roles. This was the second series to be filmed in Birmingham, the fourth in HD and the third series featuring all of the current cast. Series 7 was the most watched series yet, with viewing figures reaching 7.2 million.6
Series 8The eighth series started airing on 13 January 2012 on BBC1 at 9 pm after being pushed back from 6 January. Creator Tony Jordan said that it would be the last series for at least a while; later, the BBC announced that there would not be a series 9. Jaime Murray and Marc Warren returned to their roles as Stacie Monroe and Danny Blue, respectively, for the final episode.6


Michael StoneAdrian Lester
Ashley MorganRobert Glenister
Sean KennedyMatt Di Angelo
Emma KennedyKelly Adams
Albert StrollerRobert Vaughn
EddieRob Jarvis

Created by


ArtStandby Property MasterPhil Bull
SoundMain Title Theme ComposerSimon Rogers