Suits · Episode 6x12 'The Painting'
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Harvey tries to repair a broken relationship - leaving Louis, Donna and Rachel to manage PSL in his absence. Meanwhile, Mike gets a helping hand from an unexpected place.
German (Deutsch)
Harvey versucht, eine zerbrochene Beziehung zu retten, und lässt Louis, Donna und Rachel mit der Kanzlei allein. Währenddessen bekommt Mike Unterstützung, die er nicht erwartet hat.
French (Français)
Harvey songe à ses obligations familiales, Mike reçoit enfin de bonnes nouvelles, et la bataille pour le poste d'associé gérant prend un nouveau tournant.
Italian (Italiano)
Mentre Harvey riflette sui suoi obblighi familiari, Mike riceve buone notizie, anche se tardive. La battaglia per il ruolo di socio dirigente arriva a un punto decisivo.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 73% · 20 (more information on website)
- IMDb 86% · 2,151 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Mike Ross | Patrick J. Adams |
Harvey Specter | Gabriel Macht |
Louis Litt | Rick Hoffman |
Donna Paulsen | Sarah Rafferty |
Rachel Zane | Meghan, Duchess of Sussex |
Jessica Pearson | Gina Torres |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Lily Specter | Brynn Thayer |
Marcus | Billy Miller |
Marissa | Athena Karkanis |
Bobby | Rod Wilson |
Nathan | Peter Cambor |
Oliver Grady | Jordan Johnson-Hinds |
Sofia Price | Marla McLean |
Linda Johnson | Paula Boudreau |
Judge | Larry Mannell |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Gregor Jordan |
Editing | Editor | Dan Rovetto |
Writing | Story Editor | Sandra Silverstein |
Sharyn Rothstein | ||
Writer | Sandra Silverstein | |
Sharyn Rothstein |