The X-Files · Episode 1x14 'Gender Bender'
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A series of sexually-oriented murders, which are identical except that the killer appears to be both male and female, draws Scully and Mulder to an Amish-type community of people called the Kindred.
German (Deutsch)
Mulder und Scully untersuchen eine rätselhafte Mordserie: Die Opfer starben jedes Mal nach einer leidenschaftlichen Liebesnacht ohne äußere Gewalteinwirkung. Die Spur führt zu den Kindred, einer asketischen Sekte in einem kleinen Dorf in Massachusetts.
French (Français)
Une femme et un homme qui se sont rencontrés dans une discothèque passent la nuit ensemble. Soudain, l'homme se met à suffoquer et meurt sous les yeux de la jeune femme qui se transforme en homme...
Italian (Italiano)
Una serie di omicidi a sfondo sessuale sfociano in un x-files quando non si riesce a determinare se l'assassino è un uomo o una donna. Mulder e Scully seguono le tracce di questo killer singolare fino ad una piccola comunità Amish in Massachussets, dove le stranezze non fanno che aumentare.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 71% · 66 (more information on website)
- IMDb 73% · 6,218 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Fox Mulder | David Duchovny |
Dana Scully | Gillian Anderson |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Brother Andrew | Brent Hinkley |
Marty (Female) | Kate Twa |
Marty (Male) | Peter Stebbings |
Detective Horton | Mitchell Kosterman |
Sister Abigail | Michele Goodger |
Pretty Woman | Aundrea MacDonald |
Husband | John R. Taylor |
Tall Man | Grai Carrington |
Cop | Tony Morelli |
Brother Wilton | Paul Batten |
Agent #2 | Doug Abrahams |
Agent #1 | Lesley Ewen |
Brother Oakley | David Thomson |
Michel | Nicholas Lea |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Rob Bowman |
Writing | Writer | Larry Barber |
Paul Barber |