The X-Files · Episode 3x15 'Piper Maru (1)'

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A French salvage ship searching for a lost WWII fighter plane unknowingly surfaces an alien which appears in the form of black oil and has the ability to jump hosts. Mulder heads to Hong Kong to investigate the salvage broker who sold the information to the French and he encounters Krycek, who has been selling information from the MJ documents. As Mulder prepares to take Krycek back to the US, the alien makes its way to Hong Kong and takes control of Krycek.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Feind (1)

Nach der fehlgeschlagenen Bergung eines abgestürzten Jagdflugzeuges aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg im Pazifik wird die gesamte Besatzung der „Piper Maru“ mit Strahlungsverbrennungen ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert – bis auf den unverletzten Taucher des Schiffes. Als Mulder ihn befragen will, findet er den Mann in seinem Appartement in einer seltsamen Öllache liegen – ohne jede Erinnerung. Mulder hat wieder einmal seine eigene Theorie über den Auftrag der Besatzung…

France French (Français)

L’Épave (1)

Un bateau de sauvetage français recherche la carcasse d'un avion de la Seconde Guerre mondiale tombé dans le Pacifique. Gauthier, un plongeur envoyé en éclaireur, y découvre le pilote encore vivant, une membrane noire lui recouvrant les yeux. Croyant être victime d'hallucinations, il remonte à la surface... Mulder part pour Hong Kong afin de retrouver le commanditaire des recherches de l'épave et y rencontre Alex Krycek...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

L'ufo degli Abissi (1ª parte)

Un mercantile francese localizza un relitto della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. All'interno del velivolo è intrappolato un uomo ancora vivo, vittima di una contaminazione ad opera di un misterioso olio nero. Mulder indaga fino a Hong Kong dove ritrova Krycek ed il misterioso nastro.

First Aired
TMDb 81% · 38 (more information on website)
IMDb 84% · 4,517 (more information on website)


Fox MulderDavid Duchovny
Dana ScullyGillian Anderson

Guest Stars

Walter SkinnerMitch Pileggi
Commander Christopher JohansenRobert Clothier
Jeraldine KallenchukJo Bates
Wayne MorganStephen E. Miller
GauthierAri Solomon
Dr. SeizerPaul Batten
MedicRussell Ferrier
Joan GauthierKimberly Unger
WaitressRochelle Greenwood
Engineer #1Joel Silverstone
Navy Base GuardDavid Neale
Young JohansenTom Scholte
Gray Haired ManMorris Panych
Alex KrycekNicholas Lea
Hispanic ManLenno Britos
WWII PilotRobert F. Maier
Young Dana ScullyTegan Moss
Submarine Sailor (uncredited)Michael Bublé
Engineer #2 (uncredited)Darcy Laurie
Sick Crewman (uncredited)Peter Scoular
Young Melissa Scully (uncredited)Christine Viner
Captain Kyle Sanford (uncredited)Richard Hersley


ArtArt DirectionGraeme Murray
Assistant Art DirectorGary Pembroke Allen
CameraDirector of PhotographyJohn S. Bartley
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignerJenni Gullett
Costume SupervisorGillian Kieft
CrewCreative ConsultantVince Gilligan
Post Production SupervisorLori Jo Nemhauser
Special EffectsDavid Gauthier
Stunt CoordinatorTony Morelli
DirectingDirectorRob Bowman
First Assistant DirectorVal Stefoff
Script SupervisorPatricia Barry
Second Assistant DirectorCollin Leadlay
EditingAssistant EditorJeff Cahn
EditorJim Gross
ProductionAssistant Production CoordinatorSusan Crawford
Production CoordinatorAnita Meehan-Truelove
Production ManagerJoseph Patrick Finn
Unit ManagerBrett Dowler
SoundMusicMark Snow
Music EditorJeff Charbonneau
Sound MixerMichael T. Williamson
Supervising Sound EditorThierry J. Couturier
Visual EffectsVisual Effects ProducerMat Beck