The X-Files · Episode 4x8 'Tunguska (1)'

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Mulder is given a tip about potentially dangerous paramilitary operations on the U.S. soil but during the sting operation is surprised to find out the identity of his mysterious informant - it turns out to be Alex Krycek. Suspicious about his true motives, Mulder reluctantly follows the information provided by Krycek. However, soon he discovers a much bigger conspiracy which takes him to a gulag in Tunguska, Russia where prisoners are being used for experiments involving a substance of alien origin.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Von Krycek bekommen Mulder und Scully einen Hinweis auf ein außerirdisches Virus. Der Erreger soll in Diplomatengepäck in die USA geschmuggelt werden. Um die Hintergründe aufzuhellen, reist Mulder mit Krycek nach Tunguska in Sibirien.

France French (Français)

Mulder a reçu des informations d'un contact anonyme au sujet d'un probable attentat à Oklahoma. Mais pendant l'intervention du FBI, Mulder et Scully partent à la poursuite d'un camion transportant des explosifs et y retrouvent Alex Krycek, qui s'avère être le nouvel informateur. Celui-ci dirige les agents vers un diplomate, pour récupérer un fragment de météorite dont il est en possession. Mais alors que le Dr Sacks l'examine dans son laboratoire en le perçant, un liquide noirâtre jaillit et libère des vers qui envahissent aussitôt son corps et le paralysent...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Tunguska (1ª parte)

A Honolulu un agente della dogana viene attaccato dal virus del cancro nero. Fox ritrova Krycek. I due si recano in Russia e trovano un gulag dove alcuni scienziati stanno conducendo un nuovo e misterioso esperimento.

First Aired
TMDb 79% · 37 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Fox MulderDavid Duchovny
Dana ScullyGillian Anderson

Guest Stars

Walter SkinnerMitch Pileggi
Cigarette Smoking ManWilliam B. Davis
Senator Albert SorensonFritz Weaver
Vassily Peskow (uncredited)Jan Rubeš
PrisonerStefan Arngrim
Marita CovarrubiasLaurie Holden
Dr. Bonita Sayre (uncredited)Jessica Schreier
Swarthy Man (uncredited)Lee Serpa
Well-Manicured ManJohn Neville
Senator RomineCampbell Lane
Dr. SacksMalcolm Stewart
Timothy MayhewBrent Stait
Alex KrycekNicholas Lea
Stress ManDavid Bloom
Agent PendrellBrendan Beiser


DirectingDirectorKim Manners
Rob Bowman