The X-Files · Episode 6x5 'Dreamland II (2)'

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Mulder is thrown in jail at the Area 51 compound but is released when it is discovered that the flight data recorder he stole was a fake. Scully comes to her senses and realizes that the Mulder she sees isn't who he really is and heads back to Nevada to help the real Mulder. Meanwhile, the mechanism that caused the body swap is rapidly snapping back, undoing everything in its wake, and Mulder and his alter ego must race to put themselves back where they belong.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Dreamland (2)

Mulder, im Körper von Morris Fletcher, versucht Scully vom mysteriösen Körpertausch zu überzeugen. Die aber glaubt ihm nicht. Doch selbst wenn ihm jemand helfen würde, wäre der Tausch zurück ein riskantes Unternehmen. Zumal Mulder dafür den Flugschreiber des UFOs bräuchte. Erst als Fletcher Scully in Mulders Wohnung einlädt, schöpft Scully Verdacht und stellt ihn zur Rede. Fletcher gesteht.

France French (Français)

Zone 51 (2)

Dana Scully écope de deux semaines de suspension non payée pour avoir franchi sans autorisation les limites d'une zone militaire ultra-secrète, la Zone 51. Pendant ce temps, Fox Mulder qui assume toujours contraint et forcé l'identité de Morris Fletcher, est arrêté par les militaires qui sont à la recherche d'un enregistreur de vol. Cette boîte noire est celle du mystérieux appareil qui s'est crashé au-dessus de la nationale 375...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Area 51 (2ª parte)

Mulder viene sbattuto in cella nell'Area 51, ma è rilasciato non appena si scopre che la scatola nera in suo possesso era fasulla. Scully finalmente realizza che il Mulder che ha sotto gli occhi non è il suo partner e torna nel Nevada con l'impostore come prigioniero. Nel frattempo il meccanismo che ha causato tutto il fenomeno sta tornando indietro come una sorta di elastico. Forse questa è l'unica occasione per rimettere le cose nel giusto ordine.

First Aired
TMDb 82% · 32 (more information on website)
IMDb 88% · 4,581 (more information on website)


Fox MulderDavid Duchovny
Dana ScullyGillian Anderson

Guest Stars

Morris FletcherMichael McKean
Terry FletcherTyler Binkley
Howard GrodinMichael B. Silver
JoAnne FletcherNora Dunn
Christine FletcherDara Hollingsworth
SamChris Ufland
Lana CheeJulia Vera
KellyLisa Joann Thompson
RandyMike Rad
Jeff SmoodgeScott Allan Campbell
General WegmanJohn Mahon
John Fitzgerald ByersBruce Harwood
Richard 'Ringo' LanglyDean Haglund
Melvin FrohikeTom Braidwood


DirectingDirectorKim Manners
Michael W. Watkins
Second Unit First Assistant DirectorHarry V. Bring