The X-Files · Episode 8x1 'Within (1)'
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Newly appointed Deputy Director Kersh organizes a manhunt for Mulder and assigns Agent John Doggett to head the team. Scully and Skinner go along with the investigation but are warned by Kersh that they will be fired if anything is said about aliens. Scully, along with the Lone Gunmen, surmise that the Bounty Hunter is trying to erase all evidence of abductions, and they realize that he may be going after Gibson Praise, who is now living at a school in Arizona. Agent Doggett comes to the same conclusion and his team race Scully and Skinner to the school where they find Mulder trying to kidnap Gibson.
German (Deutsch)
Skinners neuer Vorgesetzter Kersh beauftragt FBI-Agent John Doggett mit der Suche nach dem verschwundenen Fox Mulder. Doggett, der mit allerlei Tricks agiert, gerät schon bald mit Dana Scully aneinander. Schließlich führt sie eine Spur zum Familiengrab der Mulders. Auf dem Grabstein ist der Eintrag „Fox Mulder 1961–2000“ zu lesen. Hat Mulder sein Verschwinden inszeniert? Doch dann finden sie Hinweise, dass Mulder von einem Ufo in der Wüste von Arizona entführt worden ist.
French (Français)
Après un terrible cauchemar dans lequel elle a rêvé de Mulder, Scully rejoint les bureaux du FBI. A son arrivée, des agents sont en train de fouiller le bureau de son partenaire. Kersh, qui vient d'être promu directeur, a lancé une véritable chasse à l'homme pour retrouver Mulder. Scully et Skinner apprennent que John Doggett, un agent spécial du FBI, est chargé de mener cette enquête. Entre Scully et Dogett, le courant passe mal : Il ne veut pas entendre parler de leurs théories sur les extraterrestres. De plus elle pense que Doggett l'a mise sous surveillance...
Italian (Italiano)
Scully indaga sulla scomparsa di Mulder, nonostante la gravidanza. Ma si deve confrontare con un nuovo collega: John Doggett. La prima pista conduce in Arizona, dove potrebbe nascondersi la chiave per ritrovare Fox: il piccolo Gibson Praise.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 73% · 24 (more information on website)
- IMDb 82% · 2,993 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Fox Mulder | David Duchovny |
Dana Scully | Gillian Anderson |
John Doggett | Robert Patrick |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Walter Skinner | Mitch Pileggi |
Agent Gene Crane | Kirk B.R. Woller |
Agent | Dondré Whitfield |
Thea Sprecher | Christine Firkins |
Gibson Andrew Praise | Jeff Gulka |
Agent Danny Mosley | Marc Gomes |
Principal | Jonathan Palmer |
Secretary | Jo-Ann Dean |
Alvin Kersh | James Pickens Jr. |
Mr. Coeben | Marty Zagon |
Margaret Scully (voice) (uncredited) | Sheila Larken |
John Fitzgerald Byers | Bruce Harwood |
Richard 'Ringo' Langly | Dean Haglund |
Melvin Frohike | Tom Braidwood |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Kim Manners |
Writing | Writer | Chris Carter |