The X-Files · Episode 8x15 'Deadalive (2)'

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Shortly after Mulder is buried, Billy Miles is found very dead, but he somehow comes back to life. Skinner and Scully put all their hopes into digging up Mulder and discovering that he too, is still alive. As Mulder lies in the hospital without indication that he is going to fully recover, Krycek comes to Skinner and offers him a vaccine to the virus that has infected Mulder, but the cost of the vaccine is that Skinner has to kill Scully's unborn child.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Lebendig tot

Drei Monate nach der Beerdigung lässt Skinner gegen Doggetts Willen Mulders Leiche exhumieren, denn dessen Körper gibt immer noch Vitalzeichen von sich. Doggett erfährt von dem selbsternannten Endzeitpropheten Absalom, dass es Plan der Außerirdischen sei, ihre Entführungsopfer nach einer Art Transformation als Aliens wieder auferstehen zu lassen. Als Krycek nun einen Impfstoff zur Heilung Mulders anbietet, bleibt Skinner misstrauisch – und das zurecht!

France French (Français)


L'agent John Dogett est relevé des se fonctions au sein du service des affaires non-classées, trois mois à peine après l'enterrement de Mulder. Mais ce qui est arrivé à Mulder est remis en cause par la découverte du corps de Billy Miles, en état de décomposition. Cette découverte pousse Dogett à exhumer le corps de Mulder. Krycek réapparaît alors soudain, et propose à Skinner de lui fournir le vaccin pour sauver la vie de Fox...

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Billy Miles si risveglia dal sonno della morte dopo essere stato ripescato in pieno oceano, così Skinner pensa alla possibilità che anche Mulder possa tornare a vivere. Questi ha contratto un virus, così Skinner tratta con Krycek per avere un antidoto. Mulder si riprende.

First Aired
TMDb 72% · 23 (more information on website)
IMDb 82% · 3,021 (more information on website)


Fox MulderDavid Duchovny
Dana ScullyGillian Anderson
John DoggettRobert Patrick

Guest Stars

Walter SkinnerMitch Pileggi
AbsalomJudson Scott
Billy MilesZachary Ansley
Arthur GaffinGibby Brand
Pathology AssistantLarry Dorf
Dr. Francis OrovetzRichard McGonagle
Dr. LimNelson Mashita
MinisterDavid Doty
NurseMary Wickliffe
DeckhandLarry Rippenkroeger
Alvin KershJames Pickens Jr.
Margaret ScullySheila Larken
John Fitzgerald ByersBruce Harwood
Richard 'Ringo' LanglyDean Haglund
Melvin FrohikeTom Braidwood
Alex KrycekNicholas Lea


DirectingDirectorTony Wharmby