The King of Queens · Episode 3x17 'Inner Tube'

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Doug lies to Carrie about having to work late so he can play mud football and get out of going to her seminar. Now sick from his night of football in the rain, Doug starts watching TV and begins to drift off to sleep... Doug, finally full of guilt, goes to tell Carrie the truth of what happened and she doesn't react exactly the way he thought she would.

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Volles Programm

Carrie bittet Doug darum, sie zu einer beruflichen Feier zu begleiten. Obwohl er zunächst zusagt, zieht Doug dann jedoch ein Footballspiel mit den Jungs vor und belügt Carrie ganz dreist. Das kann selbstverständlich nicht gut gehen …

First Aired
TMDb 60% · 6 (more information on website)
IMDb 74% · 543 (more information on website)


Doug HeffernanKevin James
Carrie HeffernanLeah Remini
Arthur SpoonerJerry Stiller
Deacon PalmerVictor Williams
Spence OlchinPatton Oswalt
Richie IanucciLarry Romano

Guest Stars

Ryan McNeilScott Reeves
Vanna WhiteVanna White
Nikki NewmanMelody Thomas Scott
Pat SajakPat Sajak
Jack AbbottPeter Bergman
JimmyJimmy Shubert

