The King of Queens · Episode 4x17 'Missing Links'

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Doug and Carrie get free tickets to her firm's annual golf outing at a private club. They have four tickets and usually bring Deacon and Kelly, but with their recent separation, things have changed. Not wanting to lose out on the opportunity, Deacon meets an available gal, Leslie, who he brings along to complete the foursome. Doug and Deacon are having a great time, but unfortunately, Carrie is not feeling the connection with Leslie and makes an attempt to set Deacon up with another co-worker while at the golf course that she thinks she'd have a better time with. In the meantime, Deacon asks Holly to watch his kids over the weekend while he's gone but doesn't realize that Holly may be pining away for him.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Das lustige Quartett

Damit sie wie immer zu viert zum traditionellen Golfturnier von Carries Firma fahren können, braucht Deacon nach der Trennung von Kelly eine neue Partnerin. Doug hat da was arrangiert - doch Carrie ist mit dieser Lösung gar nicht glücklich. Doug und Carrie haben vier Karten für das alljährliche Golfturnier von Kellys Firma erhalten.

First Aired
TMDb 67% · 7 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Doug HeffernanKevin James
Carrie HeffernanLeah Remini
Arthur SpoonerJerry Stiller
Deacon PalmerVictor Williams
Spence OlchinPatton Oswalt
Danny HeffernanGary Valentine
Holly ShumpertNicole Sullivan

Guest Stars

TinaZilah Mendoza
Kirby PalmerMarshaun Daniel
LeslieAngelle Brooks


DirectingDirectorRob Schiller