The Following · Episode 1x3 'The Poet's Fire'
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A new follower is found in Rick, who is on a determined path to follow through on Carroll's orders. Hardy and the FBI attempt to predict Rick's course of revenge, which leads to a surprising outcome. Meanwhile, Paul's jealousy over Emma and Jacob's relationship leads to a breaking point, and the origin of Hardy and Carroll's relationship.
German (Deutsch)
Ryan Hardy kann die Identität des bei lebendigem Leibe verbrannten Mannes klären. Emma, Paul und Jacob halten Claires Sohn Joey noch immer gefangen. Als Paul Emma wegen ihrer Beziehung zu Jacob konfrontiert, eskaliert die Situation in der Gruppe. Das FBI-Team wird derweil auf Ricke Kester, einen weiteren Anhänger von Serienkiller Joe Carroll, aufmerksam. Ricks Frau Maggie sagt gegenüber Hardy aus, von ihrem Mann wiederholt misshandelt worden zu sein…
French (Français)
Un nouveau membre du groupe de tueurs se montre au grand public : Rick Kester, un pyromane qui s'est donné pour mission de venger Joe. La femme du suspect et Jordy sont désormais des témoins qui pourraient aider à retrouver le fils de Joe Cornell.
Italian (Italiano)
Rick, il ragazzo che ha dato fuoco al critico che ha stroncato il libro di Carroll, viene rintracciato grazie a una videocamera e il team riceve ulteriori informazioni da sua moglie, una donna apparentemente vittima del marito. Nel frattempo la gelosia di Paul nei confronti di Emma raggiunge un punto di rottura.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 72% · 15 (more information on website)
- IMDb 75% · 1,402 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Ryan Hardy | Kevin Bacon |
Joe Carroll | James Purefoy |
Mike Weston | Shawn Ashmore |
Emma Hill / Denise Harris | Valorie Curry |
Debra Parker | Annie Parisse |
Will Wilson / Jacob Wells | Nico Tortorella |
Claire Matthews | Natalie Zea |
Billy Thomas / Paul Torres | Adan Canto |
Joey Matthews | Kyle Catlett |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Agent Troy Riley | Billy Brown |
Jordan "Jordy" Raines | Steve Monroe |
Agent Jennifer Mason | Jeananne Goossen |
Stan Fellows | Todd Faulkner |
Maggie Kester | Virginia Kull |
Meghan Leeds | Li Jun Li |
Agent David Sims | Dean Alai |
Dean Phillip Barnes | Ross Bickell |
Rick Kester | Michael Drayer |
Department | Job | Person |
Art | Production Design | Laura Ballinger |
Set Decoration | Janet Shaw | |
Directing | Director | Liz Friedlander |
Editing | Editor | Matthew Colonna |
Production | Supervising Producer | Andrew Wilder |
Writing | Writer | Adam Armus |
Nora Kay Foster |