Scrubs · Episode 1x24 'My Last Day'

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It's J.D.'s last day as an intern, and soon he will become a resident. Carla and Turk are arguing about dating other people. Elliot finally rebels against being everyone's doormat, and J.D. is just trying to stay out of people's way. Jordan has returned to get a physical and a new patient, Mr. Bober, has been admitted, because he needs his gall bladder removed. He really needs the surgery, but doesn't have the insurance to pay for it. They enlist the help of Dr. Cox, Dr. Wen and Jordan.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Mein letzter Tag

Kaum zu glauben, doch J.D. und seine Freunde haben tatsächlich das erste Jahr als Mediziner überstanden. Als die jungen Ärzte zusammen mit Kelso und Cox ein paar Gläschen trinken gehen, taucht plötzlich Dr. Cox' Ex Jordan auf. Die boshafte Frau hat es sich offensichtlich zum Ziel gemacht, allen den Abend zu verderben, indem sie genüsslich unangenehme Geheimnisse der Ärzte verrät.

France French (Français)

Mon dernier jour

J.D. ne peut s'empêcher d'être triste. C'est le dernier jour de sa première année d'internat. Déjà presque un an qu'il travaille au Sacré-Cœur...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il mio ultimo giorno

Dopo aver passato un anno all'ospedale Jd, Turk e Elliot capiscono di non essere più emozionati dal loro lavoro e decidono quindi di curare un loro paziente in modo rischioso. Intanto, dopo che Cox la aveva criticata per la sua prevedibilità, Jordan rivela a tutti i protagonisti dei segreti imbarazzanti che si tenevano nascosti l'un l'altro.

First Aired
TMDb 86% · 9 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


John 'J.D.' DorianZach Braff
Christopher TurkDonald Faison
Perry CoxJohn C. McGinley
Elliot ReidSarah Chalke
Carla EspinosaJudy Reyes
Bob KelsoKen Jenkins
JanitorNeil Flynn

Guest Stars

Ted BucklandSam Lloyd
ToddRobert Maschio
Laverne RobertsAloma Wright
Denise BoberApril Pressel
InternMichael Cotter
Mr. BoberDon Perry
Dr. WenCharles Rahi Chun
Jordan SullivanChrista Miller


CameraDirector of PhotographyJohn Inwood
DirectingDirectorMichael Spiller
EditingEditorRick Blue