Scrubs · Episode 2x10 'My Monster'

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Elliot still doesn't have a place to live. J.D. think he's lost his mojo when he can't even kiss the giftshop girl while they go out on a date. Turk and Carla are having romance problems, because she feels he's not being as generous to her as she is to him. And Dr. Cox freaks out when he lets Jordan move in to his place due to her pregnancy.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Mein Monster

Der Stress setzt J.D. ziemlich zu, sodass er in der Klinik ein Ärzte verschlingendes Monster sieht. Entspannung ist jetzt angesagt. Deshalb ist J.D.s Vorfreude groß, als es ihm gelingt, seine attraktive Kollegin Lisa für ein Date zu gewinnen. Doch als die beiden intim werden wollen, versagt sein Sexualtrieb . Dafür meldet sich in J.D. der Helferinstinkt.

France French (Français)

Mon monstre

J.D. s'entiche d'une vendeuse très attirante. Ils finissent par sortir ensemble. Tout se déroule à merveille jusqu'au premier baiser... Le Dr Cox est plus que préoccupé par la grossesse de Jordan. Même s'ils finissent par s'installer ensemble, leur relation est de plus en plus tendue...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il mio mostro

J.D. va al lavoro insieme a Turk, Carla ed Elliot. Il giorno però non si prospetta affatto bene: tra pazienti in fin di vita e continue complicazioni, J.D. immagina che il Sacred Heart Hospital sia come un "mostro" che risucchia le forze a medici e pazienti. Elliot intanto si è trasferita da Turk e J.D., con cui va a letto nuovamente, in quanto suo padre e sua madre l'hanno sfrattata di casa.

First Aired
TMDb 83% · 7 (more information on website)
IMDb 80% · 1,320 (more information on website)


John 'J.D.' DorianZach Braff
Christopher TurkDonald Faison
Perry CoxJohn C. McGinley
Elliot ReidSarah Chalke
Carla EspinosaJudy Reyes
Bob KelsoKen Jenkins
JanitorNeil Flynn

Guest Stars

ToddRobert Maschio
Laverne RobertsAloma Wright
LisaSarah Lancaster
Mrs. WatsonMarcy Goldman
Mrs. KopplemanDamara Reilly
Choir LeaderBrogan Roche
Jordan SullivanChrista Miller


CameraDirector of PhotographyJohn Inwood
DirectingDirectorGail Mancuso
EditingEditorJohn Michel