Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 1x19 'Maledictus'

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Goren and Eames investigate the murder of a Russian mob princess, initially believing she may have been slain in a revenge act against her father, but their attention later turns to a classmate who could be destroyed by the woman's upcoming tell-all book.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Nachdem ihr Vater, Kopf der lokalen Russenmafia, zu einer lebenslangen Haftstrafe verurteilt wurde, ist Ilana Yushka mit einem Enthüllungsbuch über die Russenmafia reich und berühmt geworden.

France French (Français)

La malédiction du livre

Ilana Yushka, la fille d'un des caïds de la mafia russe, est sous le choc lorsqu'elle apprend que son père a été condamné à passer le restant de ses jours derrière les barreaux...

First Aired
TMDb 60% · 1 (more information on website)


Robert GorenVincent D'Onofrio
Alexandra EamesKathryn Erbe
Ron CarverCourtney B. Vance
James DeakinsJamey Sheridan

Guest Stars

Kenneth StrickDavid Thornton
AllisonWendy Spero
Maggie MendezAntonia Rey
Martha StrickVeanne Cox
George TateDamian Young
Ilana YushkaAlla Kliouka
Sheriff LundWorth Howe
John NemetzGeorge Bartenieff
Sylvie ClarkSharron Bower
Dominic CastellanaRichard V. Licata
Agent BrittonPeter Ashton Wise
Lieutenant WallaceEdward James Hyland
Ilana's PublisherMartin Moran
Oleg's GirlfriendYlfa Edelstein
HelenEleanor Glockner
YelenaNina Savinski
SashaElizabeth Ostrovsky
BorisJacques Sandulescu
Older MobsterSasha Nesterov
Young MobsterMark Benzinyan
Limo DriverPete Ohnegian
JoggerBill Burr
Ursula StovitzLori Michele Harris


DirectingDirectorFrank Prinzi