Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 1x7 'Poison'

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The detectives investigate a murderer who poisons hospital victims with cyanide. They suspect a nurse whose profile is typical, but when they discover more murders away from the hospital they have to widen their search.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Im Bellmore Krankenhaus wird auffallend oft wegen Herzstillstand Alarm geschlagen. Als sich auch noch die Todesfälle durch Herzinfarkt häufen, wittern Goren und Eames sofort ein Verbrechen.

France French (Français)

Disparition sur ordonnance

L'une des infirmières de l'hôpital Bellmore est suspectée de meurtres, après que plusieurs patients de l'établissement ont été retrouvés morts, empoisonnés au cyanure...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

L’angelo della morte

I detective Ed Green e Lennie Briscoe portano all'attenzione della squadra un caso sospetto di avvelenamento da cianuro. Quando altri decessi analoghi avvengono all'interno di un ospedale, Goren e Eames individuano il colpevole nell'infermiera Colleen Braxton, ma gli avvelenamenti continuano anche dopo il suo fermo.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 2 (more information on website)


Robert GorenVincent D'Onofrio
Alexandra EamesKathryn Erbe
Ron CarverCourtney B. Vance
James DeakinsJamey Sheridan

Guest Stars

Detective Ed GreenJesse L. Martin
Detective Lennie BriscoeJerry Orbach
Trudy PomeranskiJ. Smith-Cameron
Loretta MarlonAnita Gillette
Colleen BraxtonSusan Bruce
Judge H. FeistRobert Levine
Amanda JunoMyra Lucretia Taylor
Derrick AltonMarc Damon Johnson
Harold MalloyMadison Arnold
Megan TracewellRobin Miles
Caroline SingerKate Hampton
Marc TrumanRay Virta
Dr. Walter AndersonRobert Stoeckle
Dr. Ed DeaneBrian McCormick
Mrs. BerkowitzStephanie Roth Haberle
Jenny TaylorMargaret Goodman
Ms. O'BrienAnne O'Sullivan
AnnieBeth Bailey
Grandchild #1Travis Walters
Grandchild #2Samantha Lucier
Crash Cart NurseJoanne Scorcia
TV ReporterLynda Baquero
MortaldoErik Frandsen
Court ClerkLes McDonough
DetectiveRay DeMattis
DetectiveGary Galone
Police Review Board MemberCharles Dumas
JurorLaura Scribner
NYPD Crisis Command InspectorMichael Cullen
Goren's Tree-Hugger FriendDaniel H. Jenkins
Dr. GardettaSpencer Chandler


DirectingDirectorGloria Muzio