Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 4x16 'Ex Stasis'

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When a young woman is shot at an appointment she never should have been at, Goren and Eames investigate her death and learn she had received a kidney transplant a few years earlier. Initially they believe that Vanessa Nikos may have been killed so that her organs could be harvested, but soon learn that her death was more closely connected with the organ she initially received from living donor Boyce Wainwright. When her shooter, also awaiting an organ transplant, is also found dead, the police realise they're on to something.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Auf Herz und Nieren

Bei einem Überfall auf ein Juweliergeschäft wurde die junge Vanessa erschossen. Da dem Juwelier selbst nichts passiert ist und auch nichts gestohlen wurde, kommen Goren und Eames zu dem Schluss, dass Vanessa das eigentliche Ziel des Anschlags war.

France French (Français)

Le bon samaritain

Une jeune femme est assassinée. Peu après, les médecins découvrent une carte de donneur d'organes dans le sac de la victime. Les détectives Goren et Eames enquêtent sur ce meurtre et découvrent que la défunte avait subi une greffe de rein quelques années auparavant...

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb 79% · 290 (more information on website)


Robert GorenVincent D'Onofrio
Alexandra EamesKathryn Erbe
Ron CarverCourtney B. Vance
James DeakinsJamey Sheridan

Guest Stars

Sarah EdgarsDenise Burse
Mrs. RaphaelSocorro Santiago
Devon GehryRon Orbach
Celise WainwrightKate Goehring
Judge FeistConstance Barron
Jake NikosTy Simpkins
Elizabeth RodgersLeslie Hendrix
Martin NikosJohn Speredakos
DoctorDebargo Sanyal
Boyce WainwrightGregg Edelman
James RaphaelCarlo Alban
Brian EdgarsKory Bassett
Jesse AparicioLuis Caballero
Dr. RheeChristine Toy Johnson
Mr. RaphaelAnthony Ruiz
Detective JaronDavid W. Butler
Dr. MyersJames Saba
DawnelleLaiona Michelle
RomeroMercedes Herrero
Mrs. NikosJana Robbins
VanessaKaren Zippler
NurseJessica Wood
RosamonKimberly Harris
Watch ManRodrick Covington


DirectingDirectorBill L. Norton