Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 5x1 'Grow'

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When city health inspector Larry Chapel is found dead in an elevator, a quick look into Chapel's home life introduces them to Chapel's recently widowed brother, Evan, and little girl Gwen. Goren isn't very surprised to learn that Nicole Wallace is Evan's fiancée and the future mother to his little girl, but Major Case soon realizes they're off the mark in who they believe the suspect is, and Goren's only hope is to get Nicole to help him trap the killer. Logan joins the Major Case squad, but isn't pleased with being relegated to the background while the other detectives solve the cases, and Deakins tries to find a partner for him.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Hormonfalle

Der Lebensmittelkontrolleur Larry Chapel liegt tot im Fahrstuhl eines heruntergekommenen Wohnblocks. Goren und Eames finden heraus, dass sowohl Larry als auch sein Bruder Ewan seit ihrer Studentenzeit heroinabhängig waren. Doch um eine Überdosis handelt es sich hier nicht: Larry wurde mit Kaliumchlorid vergiftet.

France French (Français)

Une seconde chance

L'inspecteur Mike Logan intègre l'équipe de la section criminelle de New York. Goren se retrouve de nouveau confronté à Nicole Wallace, une meurtrière qu'il ne parvient pas à faire arrêter. Il est prêt à tout pour que cette fois elle ne puisse pas s'échapper...

First Aired
TMDb 73% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb 85% · 377 (more information on website)


Ron CarverCourtney B. Vance
James DeakinsJamey Sheridan

Guest Stars

Robert GorenVincent D'Onofrio
Alexandra EamesKathryn Erbe
Mike LoganChris Noth
Nicole WallaceOlivia d'Abo
Dr. Evan ChapelKevin J. O'Connor
Elizabeth RodgersLeslie Hendrix
Ella MiyazakiGrace Hsu
Zach ThalerBrian Nishii
Detective RosemontHudson Cooper
Judge B. WingRobert Kim
Gwen ChapelMolly Gottlieb
Larry ChapelBoris McGiver
Detective BristolJ. King
Phil BrookingsDerek Lucci
Sacha MartellAdam Sietz
Louis RamsfordGeorge Hahn
Phyllis ClarkDana Smith Croll
Officer OserJoseph Eid
Officer CruzVincent Lorusso
MacAdam Auslander
SallySarah Litzsinger
RaynardCamille Gaston
BoydRay Wills
Distraught TeacherKatherine Puma
Taft Housing SuperintendentJim Moody


DirectingDirectorFrank Prinzi