Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 5x12 'Watch'

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Logan and Barek investigate after a body is found in the ocean, having fallen from an airline wheelwell. They soon discover that she is just one in a long line of prostitutes to be beaten and murdered. Their investigation leads them to a nervous airline employee, but they just don't feel he has the courage or the violent nature to commit these crimes on his own. A family connection leads them to a second suspect, with a history of both being abused and being the abuser.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Freier Fall

Zwei Surfer werden Zeuge, wie eine junge Frau tot vom Himmel fällt. Sie bringen die Leiche an Land und alarmieren die Ermittler, die schon bald herausfinden, dass die Frau offenbar im Fahrwerkschacht eines Flugzeugs eingeklemmt war.

France French (Français)

Aller simple pour l'enfer

Un meurtrier en série bat des prostituées à mort puis laisse leur cadavre sur le train d'atterrissage des avions. Les inspecteurs Logan et Barek pensent que l'assassin travaille dans un aéroport...

First Aired
TMDb 53% · 3 (more information on website)
IMDb 77% · 302 (more information on website)


Ron CarverCourtney B. Vance
James DeakinsJamey Sheridan

Guest Stars

Mike LoganChris Noth
Elizabeth RodgersLeslie Hendrix
Air Traffic Control AgentDon Sparks
FracoE.J. Bonilla
Carolyn BarekAnnabella Sciorra
Scott StrollZachary Knower
Duane WinslowBrad Renfro
Charla GeddensAlma Cuervo
Del GeddensMike Pniewski
Ben CroweBill Dawes
Art GeddensEthan Embry
John GomardRay Fitzgerald
Shep BritleyRob Leo Roy
Josh KellySam Breslin Wright
Lauren ScullyPamela Stewart
RodrigoRamon Fernandez
BradleyHenry Yuk
MarcyTia Dionne Hodge
TrinaZuzanna Szadkowski
FristLouis Vanaria
BillLucas Papaelias
PaulEron Otcasek
TrooperBooker T. Washington
Forensic TechnicianDerrick Damions


DirectingDirectorAlex Chapple