Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 5x8 'Saving Face'

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When the body of a young woman is found by two children behind a dumpster, Barek and Logan soon learn she had recently returned from Guatemala and was suspected by the other passengers of being a drug mule. Their investigation leads them to noted plastic surgeon Dr. Christine Ensel, who has made a name for herself in recent years performing surgeries in Guatemala on people who would not normally be able to afford plastic surgery, but as the investigation continues, Logan and Barek suspect that Dr. Ensel has a lot to hide.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Die Leiche der jungen Medizinstudentin Kerri Livanski wird von einigen Kindern hinter einem Müllcontainer gefunden. Barek und Logan gehen der Sache nach und finden schnell heraus, dass Kerri gerade aus Guatemala zurückgekehrt ist und offenbar als Drogenkurier gearbeitet hatte.

France French (Français)

Sauvez la face

Le corps d'une étudiante en médecine est retrouvé mutilé. Les inspecteurs Logan et Barek apprennent que la victime revenait du Guatemala. Ils la soupçonnent d'avoir été une «mule» pour le compte de trafiquants de drogue. Mais des indices les conduisent à un chirurgien aux méthodes douteuses.

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 1 (more information on website)


Ron CarverCourtney B. Vance
James DeakinsJamey Sheridan

Guest Stars

Mike LoganChris Noth
Elizabeth RodgersLeslie Hendrix
Carolyn BarekAnnabella Sciorra
Christine AnselSamantha Mathis
Anna AnselLynn Cohen
Leo AnselHenry Strozier
Jules LivanskiKevin Geer
Yolanda SalvoNancy Ticotin
Dr. HernandezJamie Tirelli
Antonio MoralesVincent Laresca
Kerri LivanskiErin Fritch
Dolores LivanskiKate Buddeke
Aricelle AragonYetta Gottesman
Lieutenant GaitanJulio Monge
Antonia WilsonBlaire Brooks
Sandra MarkhamSue-Anne Morrow
Detective HirschonRichard D'Alessandro
Way-Lee ChangKenneth Lee
CSU Technician BennisChristen Simon Marabate
HS Agent RollinsJ. Bernard Calloway
Mrs. CorbetKate Kearney-Patch
LorentzTuck Milligan
HS OfficerPaul Albe
RitaShirley Roeca
LouisaRosie Berrido
EllesandraRaisy Pereyra
JudyMegan Byrne
JeanetteCynthia Addai-Robinson
FrancineApril Yvette Thompson
PatelTirlok Malik
MiguelPaco Tolson
ClementGilbert Cruz
OscarNelson Peña


DirectingDirectorRick Wallace