Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 7x12 'Contract'

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A gossip columnist who used his insider knowledge to feed his habit is murdered, which leaves Wheeler and Logan to work through a list of suspects that grows longer the more they probe his life.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Der Klatschkolumnist einer Boulevardzeitung wird per Autobombe getötet. Es stellt sich heraus, dass er ein Erpresser war. Aber wer hat ihn umgebracht?

France French (Français)

Scénario macabre

Un chroniqueur célèbre qui utilise ses connaissances pour alimenter ses papiers est retrouvé mort. La liste des suspects de Wheeler et Logan s'en trouve très largement augmentée.

First Aired
TMDb 70% · 1 (more information on website)


Danny RossEric Bogosian

Guest Stars

Mike LoganChris Noth
Megan WheelerJulianne Nicholson
Elizabeth RodgersLeslie Hendrix
Michelle HodmanLynn Adrianna
Al PetrosinoJames Biberi
Barry FreeburgJeff Garlin
Frank ChessFederico Castelluccio
Jeannie RichmondEmily Kinney
Spencer LondonTimothy Adams
Dr. JacobyTibor Feldman
T.K. RichmondMo Rocca
Elliot FallsPaul DeBoy
Ted ReganBrian Haley
Joey SnailsAnthony J. Ribustello
Beverly TysonIlleana Douglas
Dave McElroyMason Pettit
Sarah BakerDenise Vasi
Mary ShannonMary McCormack
Al HimesCezar Williams
EvieMolly Camp
ScreenwriterMaury Ginsberg
ChefDavid Fumero
Dr. BenwayJeff Biehl
OnlookerCasey Cipriani

