Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 9x11 'Lost Children Of The Blood'

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The body of a bright young college student is found completely drained of blood. What appears to be a sex game gone wrong leads to a world of underground clubs, blood dealers, and a fanatical cult who believe themselves immortal.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Kinder der Finsternis

France French (Français)

La part de l'ombre

Une étudiant promise à un brillant avenir est retrouvée morte dans sa chambre, vidée de son sang. Nichols et Stevens se retrouvent très vite à enquêter sur le mode des cultes fantastiques.

First Aired
TMDb 45% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb 70% · 217 (more information on website)

Guest Stars

Zach NicholsJeff Goldblum
Serena StevensSaffron Burrows
Elizabeth RodgersLeslie Hendrix
Zoe CallasMary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
VirgilMatt Burns
Jeremy ParksClayne Crawford
Congressman PriceDan Butler
Kyle WylerChristopher Abbott
Sarah PriceMaïté Alina
College ProfessorRick Holmes
Michelle LindenAlysia Reiner
Robert Smith LookalikePawl Bazile
Coven MemberMelaena Cadiz
Detective LasalleAngel David
SansonYlfa Edelstein
Caroline PriceShannon Esper
DominatrixKatie Madonna Lee
Goth Band SingerRyan Link
Coven MemberTom McVey
Coven MemberVic Milberg
Uniform OfficerJason O'Connell
Souleyman CamaraHisham Tawfiq


DirectingDirectorJohn David Coles