Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 9x7 'Love Sick'

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Detectives Nichols and Stevens investigate a nurse and the men who love her while looking into the death of a woman who was treated in the emergency room shortly before she was murdered.

Germany German (Deutsch)


France French (Français)

Tableau de chasse

Une femme vêtue comme une prostituée est retrouvée assassinée. Les inspecteurs Nichols et Stevens identifient la victime : il s'agit d'une étudiante qui vivait en couple avec un dealer.

First Aired
TMDb 40% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb 76% · 249 (more information on website)

Guest Stars

Zach NicholsJeff Goldblum
Serena StevensSaffron Burrows
Elizabeth RodgersLeslie Hendrix
Zoe CallasMary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
Emma NilesBrenda Withers
Detective GearhardtDamon Gupton
Maya SillsCaroline Dhavernas
Randall AmesMichael Gladis
Uncle JoeTom Kemp
Rachel MelhamMegan Tusing
Damon KerriganDash Mihok
Jay LinnetKhan Baykal
Carol FelixBrooke Alexander
Janine LutzCheryl Lynn Bowers
Andre LanierColman Domingo
Isabel FelixNatalie Kuhn
Mr. RileyBenton Greene


DirectingDirectorJames Hayman