NCIS · Episode 4x5 'Dead and Unburied'
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When a missing Lance Corporal is found dead in a vacant house, the NCIS team discovers that he was buried in the backyard and then exhumed. They learn about his identity and that he was to be deployed to Iraq, but he never showed up for duty. The investigation leads them to a new clue---he had two fiancées. Abby runs the DNA samples from the two women to find out if the DNA is a match to the soil found on the dead man's body.
German (Deutsch)
Während einer Hausbesichtigung entdeckt die Immobilienmaklerin Jody Carvell einen Toten: Es handelt sich um Lance Corporal Finn – kurz vor seinem Abflug in den Irak war er verschwunden. Gibbs und sein Team stoßen bei ihren Ermittlungen auf zwei Verlobte, die beide behaupten, er hätte nur sie geliebt. Um die Verwirrung komplett zu machen, findet Abby in der Hose des Toten die DNA einer dritten Frau, die sich kurz darauf als Jody entpuppt …
French (Français)
Lors d'une visite d'une maison à vendre, un couple ainsi que l'agent immobilier découvre avec effroi le cadavre d'un homme assit sur un fauteuil. Le NCIS découvre que ce marine devrait être en mission en Irak et surtout que l'homme était marié à deux femmes en même temps...
Italian (Italiano)
Quando viene trovato il cadavere di un marine scelto in una casa vuota, la squadra della NCIS scopre che era stato seppellito nel cortile dietro la casa e poi riesumato. Identificano la sua identità e scoprono che stava per essere dispiegato in Iraq, ma non si era mai presentato per la missione. L'investigazione li porta ad una nuova traccia: il soldato aveva due fidanzate. Abby esegue i test sul DNA delle due donne. Infatti l'assassino si scopre essere il marito della venditrice di quella casa ovvero l'amante.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 63% · 7 (more information on website)
- IMDb 76% · 732 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Leroy Jethro Gibbs | Mark Harmon |
Timothy McGee | Sean Murray |
Tony DiNozzo | Michael Weatherly |
Ziva David | Cote de Pablo |
Dr. Donald 'Ducky' Mallard | David McCallum |
Abby Sciuto | Pauley Perrette |
Jenny Shepard | Lauren Holly |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Jimmy Palmer | Brian Dietzen |
Michelle Lee | Liza Lapira |
Rebecca Kemp | Elisa Donovan |
Siri Albert | Rachel Boston |
Jody Carvell | Rebecca Wisocky |
Rick Carvell | Matt Winston |
NCIS Tech | Stephanie Mello |
Captain Stengel | Derek Webster |
Bob Whitehead | Tom Kiesche |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Colin Bucksey |
Writing | Writer | Nell Scovell |