The Blacklist · Episode 1x19 'The Pavlovich Brothers'

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As the team tries to protect a target of the Pavlovich brothers -- specialists in abductions -- Red has a job of his own for the duo; Liz patiently pursues the truth about Tom.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Pavlovich Brüder (Nr. 119-122)

Das Team versucht das nächste Ziel der Gebrüder Pavlovich zu beschützen. Sie sind Entführungsspezialisten.

France French (Français)

Les Frères Pavlovich (N°119-122)

Les frères Pavlovich, spécialistes en enlèvements de cibles de grande valeur sont de retour et, selon Red, ils planifient leur prochain coup. Pendant que l'équipe essaye de protéger leur prochaine cible, Red a une affaire privée pour les frères Pavlovich. Par ailleurs, Liz découvre la vérité sur Tom...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

I fratelli Pavlovich

Una scienziata cinese decide di collaborare con la CIA divulgando notizie su una potente arma batteriologica a cui sta lavorando: ma viene rapita. Red aiuta Liz a scoprire gli autori del rapimento e a cercare l'ostaggio. Intanto Tom ha compreso di essere stato scoperto.

First Aired
TMDb 81% · 31 (more information on website)
IMDb 84% · 2,542 (more information on website)


Raymond 'Red' ReddingtonJames Spader
Elizabeth KeenMegan Boone
Donald ResslerDiego Klattenhoff
Tom KeenRyan Eggold
Harold CooperHarry Lennix
Meera MalikParminder Nagra

Guest Stars

Dembe ZumaHisham Tawfiq
Aram MojtabaiAmir Arison
Pavlovich Brother #2Stivi Paskoski
Pavlovich Brother #1Goran Ivanovski
Clock PetrovichRenne Gjoni
Pavlovich Brother #3James Biberi
Xiaoping LiNatalie Kim
Jeffery P. SeiversMarc Damon Johnson
NurseChristine Lin
NurseAngel Pai
Outpost GuardYinka Adeboyeku
Outpost Lead GuardAiron Armstrong
Prison GuardRuy Iskandar
WardenClem Cheung
SymirDion Sapp
Ambulance DriverJon Kit Lee
Front Gate GuardPhil Nee
Preston / Skater BoiTyler Elliot Burke
Agent MorimotoRon Domingo


DirectingDirectorPaul A. Edwards