The Blacklist · Episode 4x13 'Isabella Stone'

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As another member of Red's team is targeted, the task force races to stop the sophisticated criminal who has been attacking Red and his businesses. Meanwhile, a shocking event sends Tom on the hunt for information about his past.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Isabella Stone (Nr. 34)

Red setzt die Task Force auf einen gerissenen Kriminellen, der es auf Reds Geschäfte abgesehen zu haben scheint. Ein unvorhergesehenes Ereignis lässt Tom derweil in der eigenen Vergangenheit wühlen.

France French (Français)

Isabella Stone (N° 34)

Un criminel particulièrement retors semble avoir pris pour cible les activités de Red. L'unité intervient pour mettre un terme à cette nouvelle menace...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La task force focalizza l'attenzione su una sofisticata criminale che sembra interessata agli affari di Red. Intanto Tom è alla ricerca di informazioni sul suo passato.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 20 (more information on website)
IMDb 77% · 1,332 (more information on website)


Raymond 'Red' ReddingtonJames Spader
Elizabeth KeenMegan Boone
Donald ResslerDiego Klattenhoff
Dembe ZumaHisham Tawfiq
Harold CooperHarry Lennix
Aram MojtabaiAmir Arison
Samar NavabiMozhan Navabi

Guest Stars

Tom KeenRyan Eggold
Isabella StoneMelora Hardin
Stratos SarantosAnthony Skordi
GautierHenri Lubatti
Female MCJoy Suprano
Etienne ChirasJean Brassard
Richard GameMichael Sean McGuinness
Charlotte HartCatherine A. Callahan
Charles MurphySean Patrick Folster


DirectingDirectorAndrew McCarthy