The Blacklist · Episode 8x18 'The Protean'

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The Task Force springs into action to stop an elusive assassin on Liz's trail.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Wandelbare (Nr. 36)

Die Einsatzgruppe versucht einen Attentäter aufzuhalten, der Liz auf der Spur ist.

France French (Français)

Protée (No. 36)

La Task Force tente d'arrêter un assassin insaisissable sur les traces de Liz.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il proteiforme (n° 36)

La task force entra in azione per fermare un assassino inafferrabile sulle tracce di Liz.

First Aired
TMDb 70% · 9 (more information on website)
IMDb 75% · 1,263 (more information on website)


Raymond 'Red' ReddingtonJames Spader
Elizabeth KeenMegan Boone
Donald ResslerDiego Klattenhoff
Dembe ZumaHisham Tawfiq
Harold CooperHarry Lennix
Aram MojtabaiAmir Arison
Alina ParkLaura Sohn

Guest Stars

Lillian RothFiona Dourif
Esi JacksonKecia Lewis
Skip HadleyDrew Gehling
Paula CarterMarylouise Burke
Rhys EngelElan Zafir
Max FreyConnor Ratliff
JaxChloe Freeman
Vivi CrabtreeKyra Weeks
Medical ExaminerRobert K. Benson
Uniformed CopMichael Alexander Henry
ConciergeMichael Judson Berry
Data BrokerNamakula
Old Man #1David Pendleton
Old Man #2Dan Entriken
Old WomanMary Looram
ReceptionistTracey Ilgner
LibrarianMaia Karo
Neville TownsendReg Rogers
Agnes KeenGinger Mason
Agnes KeenHazel Mason


DirectingDirectorMichael Caracciolo