TV Show 'Sea Patrol' 5 Seasons
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Sea Patrol is an Australian television drama set on board HMAS Hammersley, a fictional patrol boat of the Royal Australian Navy. The series focuses on the ship and the lives of its crew members.
German (Deutsch)
Im Mittelpunkt dieser australischen Action-Krimiserie steht das Patrouillenschiff „HMAS Hammersley“, das mit seinen 24 Marineoffizieren unter dem Kommando von Lieutenant Commander Mike Flynn (Ian Stenlake) an der Küste Queenslands rund um das beeindruckende Great Barrier Reef für Recht und Ordnung sorgt. Auf der Jagd nach Drogenschmugglern, Piraten und illegalen Einwanderern erlebt die Besatzung jede Menge Abenteuer auf hoher See. Aber trotz oder vielleicht auch gerade wegen des täglichen Zusammenlebens auf engstem Raum bleibt noch Platz für romantische Affären an Bord – die jedoch schnell wieder durch den Kampf gegen Korruption, illegalen Fischfang oder seltsame Todesfälle in den Hintergrund rücken.
Italian (Italiano)
Sea Patrol è una serie tv australiana che racconta la vita e le avventure dell’equipaggio di una nave della guardia costiera australiana. A differenza di quanto si potrebbe pensare, in mare aperto ci si trova ogni giorno ad avere a che fare con pesca illegale, contrabbando, immigrazione clandestina e numerose altre emergenze su cui intervenire con forza e, allo stesso tempo, umanità. Sea Patrol rivela il fascino e l’unicità della marina militare, e si concentra su problematiche drammatiche e attuali. Ogni episodio riserva un mistero da risolvere e appassionanti avventure.
- Aired
- from
- to
- Status
- Ended
- Episode Runtimes
- Keywords
- australia
- criminal
- death
- fisherman
- forbidden love
- friends
- marine
- maritime
- military
- navy
- ocean
- sea
- war ship
- Genres
- Action & Adventure
- Drama
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
- Production Countries
- Production Companies
- Nine Film & TV Pty
- Networks
Nine Network
- Content Ratings / Classifications
- Ratings
- TMDb 70% · 20 (more information on website)
- IMDb 75% · 2,786 (more information on website)
Number | Overview | #Episodes | Air Date |
Season 1 | The first season of the Australian drama Sea Patrol premiered on the Nine Network on 5 July 2007. The 13-episode season concluded 4 October 2007. | 13 | |
Season 2 | The second season of the Australian drama Sea Patrol premiered on the Nine Network on 31 March 2008 and aired on Monday nights at 8:30 PM. The thirteen-episode season ended on 23 June 2008. The season introduced a new patrol boat, following the decommissioning of the original, Fremantle class boat in the final scenes of season one. The new HMAS Hammersley was of the Armidale class, reflecting the real-life changeover in the Australian fleet. The second season also featured the debut of a new main character, Able Seaman Rebecca "Bomber" Brown, as the boat's new cook. Though advertised by the Nine Network as Sea Patrol II: The Coup, episodes themselves bore no title other than Sea Patrol, and the ISAN number indicated that the episodes were merely episodes 14–26 of Sea Patrol. Continuing the format from the first season, episodes generally moved a season-long story arc along. As the Nine Network marketing indicated, this arc involved a coup on the Samaru Islands, a fictional island nation close to Australia. In many ways, the story was evocative of Operation ANODE, a peacekeeping mission to the Solomon Islands that has been called "the [operational] pinnacle for the Fremantle class" by the Australian Department of Defence. | 13 | |
Season 3 | The third season of the Australian drama Sea Patrol premiered as Sea Patrol 3: Red Gold on the Nine Network on 18 May 2009. Principal location filming was, as in past seasons, completed in and around the area of Mission Beach, Queensland. It has an announced budget of A$17 million. The continued presence of the production in north Queensland has been hailed as "a major boon for our local film and television industry" by Rod Welford, the Queensland Minister for Education, Training and the Arts. Sea Patrol season 3 finished filming in mid-February. The series kicked off with ET being killed in a diving accident. Sea Patrol 3 still has the Armidale Class Patrol Boat. Two new recurring stars Blair McDonough and Jessica Napier played a married couple, Matt and Simone Robsenn who are the local dive masters. Sea Patrol season 3 premiered on 18 May 2009. It aired every Monday night on Channel 9 at 8.30. | 13 | |
Season 4 | The fourth season of the Australian drama Sea Patrol began airing as Sea Patrol 4: The Right Stuff on 15 April 2010. Most regular cast members have returned. The season began with a major reshuffle of senior crew members, including a new Commander Maxine 'Knocker' White (Tammy McIntosh) replacing Steve Bisley (Commander Marshall), Mike Flynn being promoted to Commander, Steve Coburn (Steve Bastoni) becoming the new Lieutenant Commander, and the departure of the Navigation Officer (Nav). Other non returning cast members included Jeremy Lindsay Taylor (Buffer), whose position has been filled by Conrad Coleby (Dutchy) and Jay Ryan (Spider), replaced by Danielle Horvat (Bird). Filming began in September 2009 and the number of episodes has been extended from the usual 13 to 16. | 16 | |
Season 5 | – | 13 |
Character | Person |
Andy 'Charge' Thorpe | John Batchelor |
Dylan 'Dutchy' Mulholland | Conrad Coleby |
Ryan White | Dominic Deutscher |
Chris 'Swain' Blake | Matthew Holmes |
Jessica 'Gap Girl' Bird | Danielle Horvat |
Kate 'XO' McGregor | Lisa McCune |
Leo '2 Dads' Kosov-Meyer | Nikolai Nikolaeff |
Robert 'Ro' J. Dixon | Kristian Schmid |
Mike 'CO' Flynn | Ian Stenlake |
Created by
Person |
Di McElroy |
Hal McElroy |