Brooklyn Nine-Nine · Episode 8x3 'Blue Flu'

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Captain Holt and Amy manage an understaffed precinct. Jake and Charles investigate.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die blaue Grippe

Captain Holt und Amy leiten eine unterbesetzte Polizeiwache. Jake und Charles bearbeiten einen Fall.

France French (Français)

La Grippe bleue

Le capitaine Holt et Amy font de leur mieux pour gérer un commissariat en sous-effectif. Pendant ce temps, Jake et Charles se chargent d'une enquête.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Influenza blu

Quando un presunto incidente che coinvolge un burrito provoca lo sciopero di un gruppo di agenti, Holt guida un'indagine su molteplici fronti.

First Aired
TMDb 69% · 19 (more information on website)
IMDb 70% · 3,105 (more information on website)


Jake PeraltaAndy Samberg
Amy SantiagoMelissa Fumero
Terry JeffordsTerry Crews
Charles BoyleJoe Lo Truglio
Rosa DiazStephanie Beatriz
Raymond HoltAndre Braugher
Michael HitchcockDirk Blocker
Norman ScullyJoel McKinnon Miller

Guest Stars

News AnchorAnthea Neri
Doctor MintlemanKeisuke Hoashi
Officer McCafferyTatum Shank
Frank O'SullivanJohn C. McGinley


CameraDirector of PhotographyRick Page
DirectingDirectorClaire Scanlon
EditingEditorRyan Neatha Johnson