TV Show 'The Goldbergs' 10 Seasons

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Picture perfect.

Before there were parenting blogs, trophies for showing up, and peanut allergies, there was a simpler time called the '80s. For geeky 11-year old Adam these were his wonder years and he faced them armed with a video camera to capture all the crazy. The Goldbergs are a loving family like any other, just with a lot more yelling.

United States of America English

  • a.k.a. The Goldbergs

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Goldbergs

Bei „The Goldbergs“ geht es zurück in die goldenen 80er Jahre. Sprössling Adam hält das gesamte Familienleben mit seiner brandneuen Videokamera fest und filmt u.a. Dads Wutausbrüche, Moms überfürsorgliches Verhalten und Konfrontationen mit seinen Geschwistern Erica und Barry.

France French (Français)

Les Goldberg
  • a.k.a. Les Goldberg

Grandir dans les années 80 au sein d’une famille complétement barrée mais aimante, c’était le quotidien d’Adam, aujourd’hui trentenaire, qui se demande comment il a pu devenir si « normal » dans de telles conditions. A partir des vidéos qu’il a tournées pendant toute son enfance, il en retrace les événéments les plus marquants…

Italy Italian (Italiano)

  • a.k.a. I Goldberg

Prima che esistessero blog, premi di partecipazione e allergie alle arachidi, esistevano i semplici anni '80. Per il piccolo nerd undicenne Adam, questi erano gli anni gloriosi durante i quali, armato di videocamera, ha ripreso the incredibili abitudini della sua famiglia. I Goldberg sono una famiglia come tutte le altre, semplicemente con molto piu' sbraitare.

Episode Runtimes
pennsylvania, usa
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Sony Pictures Television
United States of America DR Productions
Adam F. Goldberg Productions
United States of America Happy Madison Productions
United States of America ABC
Content Ratings / Classifications
United States of America TV-PG
United States of America TV-14
Canada 14+
Australia M
Switzerland 12
Germany 12
Austria 16
France 12
Italy T
TMDb 75% · 336 (more information on website)
IMDb 80% · 41,992 (more information on website)


NumberOverview#EpisodesAir Date
Season 123
Season 224
Season 324
Season 424
Season 522
Season 6Meddling mama, Beverly, is thrilled all her schmoos are back under the same roof. It gives her one last shot at smothering like the old days, while Murray weighs the costly snap-decisions of his moron kids. Barry, is psyched to top off his legendary senior year by marrying the love of his life, Lainey Lewis. Meanwhile, Erica, dropped out of college to pursue her lifelong dream of rock stardom. This year, Adam finds himself settling into his geeky identity in high school while navigating life and girlfriends in the midst of all the chaos at home.23
Season 7Meddling Mama Beverly and Murray are faced with an (almost) empty nest! Last year, eldest kid Erica decided the life of wanna-be rockstar wasn’t for her, so she set her sights on heading back to school and actually trying this time. Meanwhile, hot-tempered middle child Barry has graduated and is ready to move on from his longtime love, Lainey Lewis, and reinvent himself in college. The only catch is that both Erica and Barry are headed to the same school! That leaves the youngest and resident geek Adam as the only Goldberg child left in the house. Adam’s year will be legendary too as he navigates life as a nerdy upperclassmen, while still facing nefarious bullies, social anxieties and maybe even the return of a “first” love he thought moved away. As Beverly zeroes her smothering powers in on her last schmoopie at home, Murray decides to make a real effort for the first time in his life.23
Season 822
Season 922
Season 1022


Beverly GoldbergWendi McLendon-Covey
Adam GoldbergSean Giambrone
Barry GoldbergTroy Gentile
Erica GoldbergHayley Orrantia
Adam Goldberg (voice)Patton Oswalt
Geoff SchwartzSam Lerner

Created by


ArtGreensmanDemetrios Katsantonis
CrewCreatorAdam F. Goldberg