Love · Episode 2x10 'Liberty Down'

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As Gus heads off to the set of Arya's action film and Mickey dives into a big project at work, new cracks appear in their relationship.

Germany German (Deutsch)

24 Tage

Während Gus zum Set von Aryas Actionfilm aufbricht und Mickey sich bei der Arbeit in ein großes Projekt stürzt, entstehen neue Risse in ihrer Beziehung.

France French (Français)

24 jours

Comme Gus part sur le tournage du film d'action d'Arya, Mickey se passionne pour son nouveau projet professionnel et leur relation se fissure un peu plus.

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Mentre Gus parte per andare sul set del film di Arya e Mickey è alle prese con un grosso progetto di lavoro, nuove incrinature minano il loro rapporto.

First Aired
TMDb 70% · 6 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Mickey DobbsGillian Jacobs
Gus CruikshankPaul Rust
Bertie BauerClaudia O'Doherty

Guest Stars

Steven HopkinsDavid Spade
TommyRandall Park
Stella EmmettJessie Ennis
Dr. Greg ColterBrett Gelman
Arya HopkinsIris Apatow