Doctor Who · Episode 2x4 'The Girl in the Fireplace'
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On a seemingly abandoned spaceship in the 51st century, the Tenth Doctor, Rose and Mickey find time windows leading to 18th century France and a group of clockwork androids using them to stalk a young woman throughout her life.
German (Deutsch)
Im 18. Jahrhundert wird die berühmte Madame de Pompadour in Versaille von Uhrwerk-Robotern attackiert. Ihre einzige Hoffnung auf Erlösung ist der Mann, der sie seit ihrer Kindheit in ihrem Träumen verfolgt: ein mysteriöser Fremder, der nur als der "Doctor" bekannt ist. Kann der Doc das Rätsel lösen?
French (Français)
À Versailles, au XVIIIe siècle, madame de Pompadour est poursuivie par de dangereux androïdes. Elle sait que son seul espoir vient d'un homme mystérieux qui hante ses rêves depuis l'enfance, connu seulement sous le nom du Docteur...
Italian (Italiano)
Luogo: Versailles, Francia, Terra e Astronave Spaziale Madame de Pompadour Data: attraverso il 18esimo secolo e il 51esimo secolo Nemico: Robot a orologeria Madame de Pompadour si trova a un ballo a Versailles, quando improvvisamente un gruppo di strani individui prende d'assalto il palazzo cercando di catturarla. La sua unica salvezza è che il Dottore, l'uomo che ha amato sin da quando era bambina, venga a salvarla. Riuscirà il Dottore ad arrivare in tempo anche stavolta?
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 85% · 75 (more information on website)
- IMDb 92% · 13,284 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
The Doctor | David Tennant |
Rose Tyler | Billie Piper |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Katherine | Angel Coulby |
Reinette | Sophia Myles |
King Louis | Ben Turner |
Young Reinette | Jessica Atkins |
Manservant | Gareth Griffiths |
Clockwork Man | Paul Kasey |
Clockwork Woman | Ellen Thomas |
Alien (voice) | Jonathan Hart |
Alien (voice) | Emily Joyce |
Mickey Smith | Noel Clarke |
Department | Job | Person |
Camera | Director of Photography | Rory Taylor |
Directing | Director | Euros Lyn |
Writing | Writer | Steven Moffat |