Doctor Who · Episode 5x6 'The Vampires of Venice'

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Dessicated corpses, terror in the canal and a visit to the sinister House of Calvierri – the Doctor takes Amy and Rory for a romantic mini-break, as the Tardis touches down once again. But 16th-century Venice is not as it should be. The city has been sealed to protect it from the Plague, although Rosanna Calvierri may have other plans...

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Vampire von Venedig

Das romantische Venedig im 16. Jahrhundert erweist sich als gefährliches Pflaster. Treiben Vampire dort ihr Unwesen? Der Doktor hilft einem Vater, die Wahrheit über seine Tochter und ihre neuen spitzen Zähne herauszufinden.

France French (Français)

Les Vampires de Venise

Le Docteur emmène Amy et Rory dans la Venise du XVIe siècle pour une escapade des plus romantiques. Cependant, ils constatent très vite que la terreur règne dans la ville. Quel secret est caché par la maison Calvierri ?...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

I vampiri di Venezia

Luogo: Venezia, Terra Data: 1580 Nemico: Saturniani Cadaveri essicati, terrore nei canali ed una visita allo spettrale Palazzo Calvierri – il Dottore porta Amy e Rory in una gita romantica. Ma la Venezia del sedicesimo secolo non è come dovrebbe essere. La città è stata messa in quarantena per la peste, anche se Rosanna Calvierri ha altri piani...

First Aired
TMDb 67% · 54 (more information on website)
IMDb 70% · 6,868 (more information on website)


The DoctorMatt Smith
Amy PondKaren Gillan

Guest Stars

Rory WilliamsArthur Darvill
FrancescoAlex Price
GuidoLucian Msamati
RosannaHelen McCrory
IsabellaAlisha Bailey
Vampire GirlGabriella Wilde
Vampire GirlHannah Steele
Vampire GirlElizabeth Croft
Vampire GirlSonila Vieshta
Vampire GirlGabriela Montaraz
InspectorMichael Percival
StewardSimon Gregor


CameraDirector of PhotographyTony Slater-Ling
DirectingDirectorJonny Campbell
ProductionProducerPatrick Schweitzer