Doctor Who · Episode 6x1 'The Impossible Astronaut (1)'
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Placing his life entirely in their hands, the Doctor agrees to search for the recipient of the fourth envelope - just who is Canton Everett Delaware the Third? And what is the relevance of their only other clue: 'Space 1969'? Their quest lands them - quite literally - in the Oval Office, where they are enlisted by President Nixon himself to assist enigmatic former-FBI agent Canton, in saving a terrified little girl from a mysterious spaceman.
German (Deutsch)
Amy und Rory genießen das Leben fernab aller Abenteuer. Doch ein mysteriöser Umschlag erreicht die beiden und führt sie nach Utah, wo es bald ein Wiedersehen mit dem Doktor und River Song gibt.
French (Français)
Amy Pond et Rory Williams retrouvent River Song, le Docteur et un certain Canton Everett Delaware III au bord d'un lac de l'Utah, chacun ayant reçu une mystérieuse invitation dans une enveloppe bleue. Soudain un astronaute émerge du lac et tire mortellement sur le Docteur, tandis qu'une version plus jeune de ce dernier les retrouve, ignorant le drame qui l'attend dans le futur. L'équipe se rendra en 1969 pour résoudre le mystère des enveloppes bleues ; ils rencontreront Richard Nixon et Canton, plus jeune...
Italian (Italiano)
Quattro buste colorate di blu come il TARDIS, numerate due, tre e quattro, contenenti date, orari e riferimenti cartografici ma non firmate. Chi le ha spedite? E chi ha ricevuto quella mancante? Questi strani inviti riuniscono il Dottore, Amy, Rory e River Song nel mezzo del deserto dello Utah.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 84% · 65 (more information on website)
- IMDb 88% · 8,654 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
The Doctor | Matt Smith |
Amy Pond | Karen Gillan |
Rory Williams | Arthur Darvill |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
River Song | Alex Kingston |
Old Canton Delaware | William Morgan Sheppard |
President Richard Nixon | Stuart Milligan |
Carl Peterson | Chukwudi Iwuji |
Phil | Mark Griffin |
Little Girl | Sydney Wade |
Joy | Nancy Baldwin |
Prison Guard | Kieran O'Connor |
Captain Simmons | Adam Napier |
Matilda | Henrietta Clemett |
Charles | Paul Critoph |
Busboy | Hermeilio Miguel Aquino |
Canton Delaware | Mark Sheppard |
The Silent | Marnix Van Den Broeke |
Department | Job | Person |
Camera | Director of Photography | Stephan Pehrsson |
Directing | Director | Toby Haynes |
Production | Producer | Marcus Wilson |
Writing | Writer | Steven Moffat |