Doctor Who · Episode 6x5 'The Rebel Flesh (1)'
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A solar tsunami sends the TARDIS hurtling towards a futuristic factory on Earth, where human doppelgangers are used to mine dangerous acid, as the time-travelling adventures continue. A second wave hits and the "Gangers" separate. They can remember every second of their "original's" life and feel every emotion they've ever experienced. But are these memories stolen or have they been bequeathed? Are the Gangers merely faulty machinery that must be shut down or are they living, breathing, sentient beings? Can the Doctor convince the terrified humans to accept these "almost people" and prevent an all-out civil war before the factory explodes?
German (Deutsch)
Ein Sandsturm verschlägt die TARDIS auf eine Insel im 22. Jahrhundert, die als Förderanlage umgebaut wurde. Um die Arbeiter vor dem Kontakt mit der geförderten Säure zu schützen, lassen sie alle Tätigkeiten von künstlichen Doppelgängern ausführen. Doch die Doppelgänger entwickeln ein Eigenleben.
French (Français)
Le TARDIS est pris dans les premières vagues d'un tsunami solaire et se pose sur Terre, au XXIIe siècle. Le Docteur, Amy et Rory découvrent un complexe chimique, bâti dans un ancien monastère et occupé par une équipe réduite. Cette dernière fait appel à des clones qu'elle peut contrôler pour les tâches les plus dangereuses. Mais lorsque le tsunami solaire frappe la Terre, les clones se rebellent...
Italian (Italiano)
Uno tsunami solare fa precipitare il TARDIS vicino a una fabbrica futuristica, simile ad un convento medievale, sulla Terra del ventiduesimo secolo. Qui vengono utilizzati Doppelgänger umani per estrarre acidi pericolosi, ma l’arrivo di una seconda ondata separa gli "originali" dai "Gänger". Questi sono in grado di ricordare ogni secondo della loro vita “originale”, anche di quelle "decommissionate", e percepire ciascuna emozione che abbiano mai provato. Il Dottore dovrà convincere gli umani terrorizzati ad accettare l’esistenza di queste “quasi persone” e impedire una guerra civile, prima che la fabbrica esploda.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 69% · 53 (more information on website)
- IMDb 71% · 6,439 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
The Doctor | Matt Smith |
Amy Pond | Karen Gillan |
Rory Williams | Arthur Darvill |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Jimmy | Mark Bonnar |
Buzzer | Marshall Lancaster |
Jennifer | Sarah Smart |
Cleaves | Raquel Cassidy |
Eye Patch Lady | Frances Barber |
Dicken | Leon Vickers |
Department | Job | Person |
Camera | Director of Photography | Balazs Bolygo |
Directing | Director | Julian Simpson |
Writing | Writer | Matthew Graham |