Doctor Who · Episode 6x8 'Let's Kill Hitler (2)'

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In the desperate search for Melody Pond, the TARDIS crash lands in Thirties Berlin, as the time-travelling drama returns for the second half of the series shown earlier in the year. The Doctor comes face to face with the greatest war criminal in the Universe. And Hitler. Old friendships are tested to their limits as the Doctor suffers the ultimate betrayal and learns a harsh lesson in the cruelest warfare of all. As precious time ebbs away, the Doctor must teach his adversaries that time travel has responsibilities. And he must succeed before an almighty price is paid.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Gegen die Zeit (2)

Berlin, 1938: Gerade als Adolf Hitler durch das Time-Travelling Justice Department seine gerechte Strafe erhalten soll, funkt die TARDIS dazwischen und verhindert den Anschlag.

France French (Français)

Allons tuer Hitler

Le Docteur recherche Melody, la fille d'Amy et Rory. Sa quête le mènera dans le Berlin des années 1930, et le confrontera à Hitler et, surtout, à River Song, qui n'est nulle autre qu'une incarnation de Melody Pond. Mais cette dernière a été conditionnée pour assassiner le Docteur...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Uccidiamo Hitler

Nella disperata ricerca di Melody Pond, il TARDIS (dopo aver imbarcato Amy, Rory e la loro amica Mel) precipita nella Berlino degli anni Trenta, cosa che li porta a incontrare Hitler. Mel, uccisa da Hitler, si rigenera in River Song, che cerca di uccidere il Dottore in nome del Silenzio. Il Dottore insegnerà a Mel/River Song e ai Teleselecta miniaturizzati che viaggiare nel tempo comporta delle responsabilità e, così facendo, insegna una dura lezione nel più crudele dei modi possibili. Mel/River Song lo salverà dalla morte, rimettendoci le rigenerazioni.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 55 (more information on website)
IMDb 79% · 7,285 (more information on website)


The DoctorMatt Smith
Amy PondKaren Gillan
Rory WilliamsArthur Darvill

Guest Stars

River SongAlex Kingston
MelsNina Toussaint-White
HarrietElla Kenion
CarterRichard Dillane
Young MelsMaya Glace-Green
Young RoryEzekiel Wigglesworth
ZimmermanPhilip Rham
AnitaAmy Cudden
JimDavood Ghadami
Adolf HitlerAlbert Welling
German OfficerMark Killeen
Professor CandyPaul Bentley
Amelia PondCaitlin Blackwood
NurseEva Alexander
Female TeacherTor Clark


CameraDirector of PhotographyTim Palmer
DirectingDirectorRichard Senior