Doctor Who · Episode 8x12 'Death in Heaven'

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With Cybermen on the streets of London, old friends unite against old enemies and the Doctor takes to the air in a startling new role. As the Doctor faces his greatest challenge, sacrifices must be made before the day is won.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Tod im Himmel

Die Cybermen breiten sich auf den Straßen von London aus. Alte Freunde müssen sich mit alten Feinden verbünden, um die Gefahr abzuwehren. Doch kann die UNIT Missy aufhalten?

France French (Français)

Mort au paradis

Le Docteur doit faire face à une invasion de Cybermen contrôlés par Missy sur la planète entière, et n'a aucune idée d'où se trouve son amie Clara. Désormais président de la Terre, le Docteur doit agir, et vite...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Morte in Paradiso

Missy, rivelatasi il Maestro, ha un piano ben preciso: far esplodere novantuno Cybermen nel cielo, la cui esplosione genera delle nuvole che fanno piovere del polline sui cimiteri di tutta Londra per far risorgere i defunti sotto forma di Cyberman per poi uccidere i vivi e trasformare la razza umana.

First Aired
TMDb 72% · 53 (more information on website)
IMDb 78% · 6,361 (more information on website)


The DoctorPeter Capaldi
Clara OswaldJenna Coleman

Guest Stars

MissyMichelle Gomez
OsgoodIngrid Oliver
SebChris Addison
BoyAntonio Bourouphael
CybermanJeremiah Krage
Teenage BoyShane Keogh-Grenade
Teenage GirlKatie Bignell
GrahamJames Pearse
Santa ClausNick Frost
Colonel AhmedSanjeev Bhaskar
Kate StewartJemma Redgrave
Danny PinkSamuel Anderson
Cybermen (voice)Nicholas Briggs


CameraDirector of PhotographyRory Taylor
DirectingDirectorRachel Talalay
ProductionProducerPeter Bennett